Where should I post these questions..


(not sure if this goes in the newbie section or this one)

i'm new.. and I have a couple of questions on where I should post certain topics..

I have two questions that i'd like to post. One is about deoderant ..I saw the deoderant post in skin & bodycare, i did read through it, but i have a more specific question about what deoderant to use if sweating a lot.. Would I make a new post about my question or would I reply to the deoderant topic that's already made?

My second question is about a specific shampoo and conditioner.. I'm not sure of the name, i know that the bottles are white and it's called Soy.. something or other. and I want to know if there are different kinds of that shampoo (if anyone knows what it is =\)... what section would i post this under?

..I plan to add more information in those posts, but i just wanted to ask where should i post them? I'm not sure this is the right section to be asking all of this, if it's not =\ i'm sorry! please let me know.

thank you

this site is wonderful.


Well-known member
Hi Katie, thanks for taking the time to ask us your questions and your compliment.

You can post a new thread in the body and skincare forum for your deoderant Q, and your shampoo Q would go under the Hair forum.

I hope this answers your questions, please feel free to ask us anything anytime.