Where the graduates at??


Well-known member
Anybody here graduating this year, or already graduated? I just wanted to send a shout out to any and all HS and college graduates or upcoming graduates. Please let us know if you're one of them!!! Feel free to share your degree and your school!

SDSU Public Administration (BA) for me this year


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chocolategoddes
Class of '09.. holla

except, I'm graduating from high school.

Hey, you're still a graduate are you not? Be proud! I know a lot of people who can't say the same and wish they could.


Well-known member
Class of '06 for highschool... graduated when I was 17.

I'm now (just barely) 20 and attend a university which I've always dreamed about being able to do so (never thought it was financially possible) so I'm pretty happy and proud of myself. Can't imagine how good it feels to graduate college...

Congrats MAC_Pixie!!! Did you graduate this past semester or next semester? And do you already have your dream job lol


Well-known member
Congrats Mac_Pixie!!! I'm trying to push it too so I can graduate this sem with BS Microbiology lol. Been trying for a couple of years now but personal & family issues have kept me from being full-time for a while. Now, I just need to do my 2nd Organic Chem and 2nd Calculus and I'm done, yiiipppeee!

It's such a wonderful feeling, whether you're graduating from HS or college. I was having doubts about going to the ceremony but my fiancee insisted that I should go not only because he's coming home from Qatar for the occasion; but more importantly, for my parents and everyone that supported me all through the years. He says that walking and accepting the diploma means more to my parents and those that have supported & lifted me up all those years in the Uni. To me, it's an accomplishment & a way to get a better job; to my parents, it's the fruition of a dream and so much more, esp. because they went to college but weren't able to get diploma because of marrying too early. So for anyone doubting whether they should attend the ceremony or not, go! Stand tall & proud; this is the moment of thanks to everyone who have given you their financial & emotional support all those years!! Go Class of 2009!!!


Well-known member
I graduate in May...YESSSSSS! It's taken me FOREVER to get my associates degree and I have went full time every semester since August 2005. I'll admit, I did change my degree twice, but it's been such an uphill challenge, especially this past year. This is the first semester (this coming winter/spring) that I won't be going full time, just taking my last 2 classes, I'm stoked!


Well-known member
Way to go everyone! Highschool, university, whatever! Its a great accomplishment!

I finished my undergrad degree majoring in Accounting just in December; I'm not sure about going to the ceremony in June---something like 3-4 hours, just to walk across the stage for 5 seconds? Still thinking about that, plus I'd have to take time off from work....I don't know. We'll see.


Well-known member
congrats to all upcoming grads
i was too damn happy when i graduated college in 99...DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNN 10yrs ago :-O lol


Well-known member
I graduate college in may!! Sociology at NC State...but I applied for grad school so I'll hopefully be right back in school again in the fall. hahaa. yay for being done with undergrad though!


Well-known member
yay class of '09! so over college for a bit, whoo! ...though it's kind of daunting to be done with school as well, especially since I'm not sure about grad school...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Class of '06 for highschool... graduated when I was 17.

I'm now (just barely) 20 and attend a university which I've always dreamed about being able to do so (never thought it was financially possible) so I'm pretty happy and proud of myself. Can't imagine how good it feels to graduate college...

Congrats MAC_Pixie!!! Did you graduate this past semester or next semester? And do you already have your dream job lol

I graduated at just barely 17 myself. I graduated this past semester, my actual ceremony isn't until mid-May. And no, I don't have my dream job yet. I don't really have a dream job; I just want to find something that i enjoy doing, where I have opportunities for growth, and something that will provide stability for myself and whatever family I have in the future.

The search begins...


Well-known member
I'll be graduating this May too with a bachelor's in Business Administration