Who here has a fear of talking in front of people?


Well-known member
I am TERRIBLE at public speaking, and I hate hate hate it!!!
I've had to do a lot of it in grad school, and I still suck the big one, but it really does a bit easier with practice. Unfortunately, that's the only way to work on it. There's a group I've heard about, Toastmasters, with chapters in lots of places where you can get together with ppl and practice. Still intimidating, but sounds really helpful.


Good luck!


Well-known member
Thanks koolkatz...what did you guys do in the class? talk about certain topics in front of people? projects? anything?


Well-known member
I get like that, but surprisingly not in public. Only when I am talking to upper management @ work. I hate it. Makes me feel dumb.


Well-known member
Yeah I agree with you Janice. For some reason it does make you feel dumb. Just being so nervous I just turn stupid and not know what to say and people might think of you that way but really your not cause your just really really nervous. Im very like that and I hate it when I get like that.


Well-known member
I hate public speaking. Fortunately I was able to take college speech in highschool for the 4 credit hours or whatever it was I needed...it was a million times easier having my highschool teacher and kids I grew up with rather than tons of strangers. When I took it we practiced all kinds of speeches...improv., persuasive, etc...some people say to imagine everyone in their undies...some people say to focus on one person, pretend like there is no one else in the room (if you do that, pick someone from the back, its harder to tell that you arent looking around at people that way)...for me, I say just practice practice practice. The better you know the material the less likely you are to mess up. Just remember that most of those people will be just as nervous as you when they get up there for their turn to speak.


Well-known member
Here's some tips for calming yourself down about speaking in front of others. First, practice like crazy. Familarize yourself with the material. Give your speech in front of a mirror a few times so that you can see that you look fine while giving your speech and you wont feel like a fool while you're actually up there. Give your speech in front of friends and family. Have someone else read your speech aloud for you, and you can see where you want to put in gestures and emphasis, and fix any parts that seem slow or dry. A few days before the speech, go to the place where you will be giving it, and try practicing it there. If it's busy, just go stand in the place where you will be giving the speech and visualize quietly to yourself. That way the shock of standing in an unfamiliar place will be gone when you actually have to speak for class.

Before your actual speech, do some speaking exercises to loosen up your vocal cords and fine tune your enunciation. Your professor will probably give you a few of these exercises in class. While giving your speech, instead of saying um, take a breath or a pause. Make an effort to talk slowly; it always seems slower to you when your speaking, but faster to others.

The most important thing about giving a speech is to remember to BREATHE. I know it sounds dumb, but I've judged a lot speech competitions where people are so nervous that they try to rush their speech in one breath and forget to breathe and turn red and get flustered.

Good Luck!


Well-known member
A lot of people have fear of public speaking. Thats why many schools now offer courses in it to prepare you for the future.

I spoke at my mothers college, about living with chronic illnesses and the empathy that the (nurses to be) needed to show ill patients. It was very difficult, and I found myself repeating things, but I had note cards and they helped me tremendously. (I was only 18 at the time), if you also picture people you know personally and are close to in real life that will help as well. The naked thing works too, if you dont laugh too much..


Well-known member
public speaking is more feared than death. I don't think i've ever met someone who didn't care about speaking in front of a class... no one likes it. You just have to remember... everyone is in the same boat as you are. Everyone gets nervous...
The speech class I took in college was called Interpersonal communication... so we just got into small groups of 4 people and did stuff. which was a little less intimidating and easier, but it still wasn't fun.
it helps to think, "who gives a shit what these people think?" and remember: everyone's just as freaked out as you are. (there are some who are just better at faking it).
that usually helps me through anything. ha


Well-known member
Do karaoke a lot,... I know it sounds silly,... but I could not do any public speaking,.. but then I started giving in and doing karaoke with my friends,... then I even helped my KJ friend when he went out of town for a wedding and I had to get on the mic between singers and entertain the crowd,.. it really helped with public speaking,.. if you can get up there and sing,..(sober) then you can get up and speak in public,.. it makes it seem like a walk in the park.