Who would say that to a 4 year old child??


Well-known member
This is something that is really bothering me, so I hope it is okay to put it here. I have two children, Donnovan (8), and Autumn (4). My daughter is really interested in make up, and I always take her with me when I go shopping for it. Before I discovered MAC, I was pretty much limited to what Shopper's Drug Mart had. So, needless to say over the years I have spent quite a bit there. I even worked there last year for a bit until I had some major health problems. Even with a doctor's note and seeing an iv in me all the time, they were still rather ticked.
So now I limit going in there for percriptions.
Anyway, last week Autumn and I were browsing the make up, killing time until my perscription was ready when the manager of the cosmetics (former boss) asked if we needed help. I replied no thanks, and she said, and I quote "Boy she is a husky girl isn't she?" I asked her what she meant and she said, "Well she is rather chunky for a little girl."
Completely stunned at what I just heard, it bothered me even more when my 4 year old girl asked if that lady said she was fat! A 4 year old girl
I was so furious and told her I would never purchase another item from there again, but I am thinking of writing a letter to head office. That is a pretty reccent picture of her in my avater (except her hair is longer now) and by no means is she chunky. What kind of person says that in front of a child????


Well-known member
Oh my goodness! I am so sorry. I don't have children, but that's just mean =(

I would call and ask to speak to her manager and send a letter to corporate... I feel employer's should know their employees inappropriate behaviour.. it reflects poorly on their company.


Well-known member
That is horrible. If someone said that about my daughter, I don't know what I'd do. I know what I'd *want* to do (slap the hell out of them), but I don't know what I'd actually do. I'd probably just pick on a really small flaw of theirs so that when they go home at the end of the day and look in a mirror, it'll look 20 times bigger than it did before they pissed me off. :p

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
I agree, write a letter or go complain to her manager!!! No girl deserves hearing that she's chunky by a complete strange in such a mean way, specially when she's not!!!

Tell your daughter some people are just so jealous and sad that they need to pick on other people to feel better


Well-known member
Some people are just plain sick. How could anyone really say that?? And then everyone begins to wonder that young girls get anorexia or whatever and starve themselves although they're everything but fat because they have to listen to someone calling them fat at 4 years old. The world's upside down ...

I don't have kids myself, but I agree with the others to complain about this woman. She really needs to rethink her attitude and the way she approaches strangers.


Well-known member
That's terrible. If someone said something like that to me about my niece I'd know i'd want to tell them off. I'd definitely say something.


Well-known member
that is completely ridiculous, I can't believe someone would have such nerve to say such a completely stupid thing! And to a child?? WTF is wrong with people?? I agree - you should definitely write a letter to every level in the chain of command and I hope you remember that store associate's name and hold them responsible. That is just horrible and I wish I could give your daughter a hug!


Well-known member
Thats where it starts isn't it, at 4 shes "fat" (I honestly don't think she is), then at 8 she starts thinking about it more and more until suddenly at 12 she's putting her fingers down her throat and what not... maybe thats a little dramatic to say that but these days ya just don't know...

why the f*** would somebody say that to a little girl, do they not know what something like that could possibly start??? I trust that you'll never let it be a lingering thought but still... no wonder she was the FORMER boss, saying crap like that. I'd write to the highest possible authority and make the biggest fuss you can, whn its someone so high up on "the food chain" for that store it makes you think doesn't it...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Who the hell says that to anyone? In what world is it okay to say, particularly a 4 year old? Even if she were overweight, it's not okay.

I would complain.


Well-known member
Definitely complain to the manager, and if your daughter asks about it, you could tell her that some people simply have no manners. They also have really bad body image and don't understand what a healthy person looks like.

What a bitch.


Well-known member
That is insane, you can't go and saying that to a child, whatever their age is! Even if a child is overweight, you should discuss the issue with the parents and not tell it where the child can hear you!


Well-known member

That is awful.. And you know there's no way to erase that moment from her memory. Definitely complain, and maybe sue! There is no excuse for that kind of behavior, and I can certainly imagine the company firing her at the very least.


Well-known member
I usually feel that customer anger is just a misperception, and in some cases, oversensitivity.

However, in this case, that woman needs some serious retraining! I am sorry - when it comes to children - if you're not the parent you have no opinion. I am glad you said something to her, and I hope you don't feel like you're acting entitled in taking this further, personally, I think you have an obligation. Does this woman have no sense at all? Our culture is so thin obsessed, girls and women are dying! We're bombarded daily with the message that every line and roll is disgusting, and our womanly features (unless it's sexual tissue) are offensive. One certainly does not need a member of a company that assists the health care industry to participate in this behaviour!

Your little girl knows you love her, and if you just focus on her positive points, she will soon forget that comment. It's up to us adults to fight this nonsense, so she and her friends can grow up in a more accepting world.


Well-known member
Doesn't do you much good now that the incident is over, but *I* would have looked her in the eye and said what I say to anybody that is class-less enough to say something like that: "I guess YOU must have been born without an internal faux-pas regulator".

What a horrible woman.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't think your kid is going to remember it, given her age, as long as you don't make a big deal out of it. It's fine to comfort her, let her know you love her and that's she's beautiful just as she is, but don't go overboard, because people/children become suspicious that the insulter was correct.


Well-known member
That was completely uncalled for, and nonetheless, very rude and obnoxious. Your little girl is by no means "husky" or overweight. Definitely complain.


Well-known member
Are you f*cking kidding me?

Demand to talk to the manager of the store, also have your prescriptions transferred, write a letter of complaint to the manager of the store and to corporate and then start pushing like hell.
That's ridiculous


Well-known member
"What kind of person says that to a child?"

A really stupid, insensitive person with issues of her own...what an idiot.