worker killed in wal-mart


Well-known member
Originally Posted by anjelik_dreamin
This is totally unbelievable for me as an Australian...we have NOTHING like that here. might want to revise that statement during the inevitable news broadcast of the Boxing Day sales.

As someone who works the opening shift on boxing day (5.30AM to 1.30PM), I can very strongly assure you that yes, we have that sort of thing here.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
The pregnant woman involved didn't actually miscarry. She was treated and released at the hospital.

Then she should be counting her lucky stars right about now. Why the hell you'd voluntarily put yourself in those crowds in that condition, I just can't understand! Real talk!

Is it worth losing your baby over a half price TV?!

I feel for the dead worker's family so much. Such a waste of a young life


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beauty_marked
This Walmart is about 10 minutes from my house. The majority of the people that shp their on a daily basis are animals. ive only been in there twice and I just refuse to be around such carless individuals. They drive recklessly around the parking lot and will hit your car if need be.

The people were SO UPSET that the store had not opened yet that they decided to take matters into their own hands and UNHINGE THE DOORS THEMSELVES!!! They say the door was crumpled like an accordion.

And even while they were trying to resusitate him they were stampedeing over the paramedics and police.

and whats even WORSE, is when they were directing employees out of the store because an employee had been killed, people refused because "they had waited on line all night."

And according to Nassau County police walmart DID NOT have enough security on hand for such a large amount of people.

It was so heartbreaking watching the victims father on TV. You can just see the heartbreak on his face. he was just in pure shock.

I work in retail, and I know the economy is hard, but the sale that was going on at 5 am will be there at 2 pm. Is it necessary??

My MIL lives near there too, she refuses to shop there too!

Originally Posted by Blushbaby
Then she should be counting her lucky stars right about now. Why the hell you'd voluntarily put yourself in those crowds in that condition, I just can't understand! Real talk!

Is it worth losing your baby over a half price TV?!

I feel for the dead worker's family so much. Such a waste of a young life

When I read this and I asked wtf she was thinking, someone got angry with with on another forum, but truthfully I'm not pregnant and my dh would freak if I decided to go brave the crazy nuts at walmart for black friday, and if I was pregnant
but then there's no amount of savings that could make me stand up pregnant in cold ass NYC for hours!


I think thats totally disgusting and awful what happened. My thoughts and prayers go out to this gentlemans family and friends.
The local news stations had interviewed several people who had camped out out since Tues. at Best Buy and one lady made the comment " I will worry about Thanksgiving later, this is more important" or something to similiar to that. I don't remember the exact wording. But have we become so self absorbed & self centered that we cannot even take ONE day to give thanks for the blessings that we have, and we have to worry about what else we are going to get our grubby little paws on . IMHO I do not think that its worth all the pushing , shoving, name calling & etc. and now some mans life just to save some money. I would much rather pay the extra money and beable to shop in peace and not have to race back to get the item or try and steal it out of someone elses hand or vice versa.

this is all just my opinions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara might want to revise that statement during the inevitable news broadcast of the Boxing Day sales.

As someone who works the opening shift on boxing day (5.30AM to 1.30PM), I can very strongly assure you that yes, we have that sort of thing here.

oh god. i've been shopping on the first day of boxing day sales (in the city) once.

that was enough. it was scary.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
huh? I remember watching TV Thursday night and they kept showing all these commercials about Black Friday in the US and all that (we don't have BF here in Canada). I remember I was telling my husband how annoyed I was that everything is about buying more and more these days and how the world is so commercialized (well, at least North America)... I thought that was sick until I heard about this poor guy

I'm so stunned and shocked that i have no's just disgusting :/