Worst cosmetics brand, in your opinion?


Well-known member
I really do not like Clinique. A lot of the items are so boring and unflattering. Sometimes I dislike Stila and Too Faced as well. I'm kind of curious about some of Too Faced's palettes, though...and Stila has some alright stuff. I never ever want anything from Clinique so I guess they're my least favorite?


Well-known member
Clinique i love, fabulous skincare.

I probably would never use anything from Covergirl or Rimmel


Well-known member
Clinique i love, fabulous skincare.

I probably would never use anything from Covergirl or Rimmel

Clinique never worked for me and at one point it was all I used because I got it for free...my cousin worked at a Clinique counter and gave me some of her stuff. I tried other stuff and WOW. Instant dislike for Clinique. I have drugstore stuff that looks and performs better than Clinique, too.

I really dislike Rimmel. Ick!


Specktra Bestie
Hm... Good question. I've had bad luck with a lot of Benefit products reacting badly with my skin, but those things I can wear I really like, so I'd never say that they're a least favourite brand. Just bad luck. Similarly, I've had issues with a lot of Bobbi Brown products, but I do still keep trying them.


Well-known member
Lower end drugstore brands are so cheap for a reason. Poor quality ingredients is at the top of the list of problems. I don't "hate" any certain brands, as I see each of them serving a purpose for the consumer. Obviously a teenager on an allowance can't afford MAC. However, I would never purchse from brands such as NYC, Covergirl, Rimmel, etc.. except for maybe mascara in a pinch. For my purposes, I just need better performance and quality out of my makeup. But for people starting out, some of these drugstore brands can be great for experimenting and learning. They wouldn't be around if people didn't purchase them. So, someone is using them and if that works for them, that's ok. It's good to have choices, as not all things work for everyone.


Ohhhh, this is hard.'
See I have vision issues and am more than OTT about my eye makeup. I buy a new mascara on payday the first day of every month. I know, it's crazy, but I never get infections anymore. How do I afford it, you ask? NYC $1.99 mascara! LOL I also wear glasses every day, all day, so I am not wasting money on spendy mascaras.
When I lived in Australia, I found some of Rimmel's lipsticks that I like.
Cover Girl has a new lipstick that I really like, although it doesn't hold a candle to my fave MUFE lipsticks, I still use them, and they are lovely colors.
I am not totally in love with most Physician's Formula stuff, but I have a couple of blushes from them I like.
I am in my 50's and have learned "never say never" (sotto voce - 2nd marriage) LOL
Good topic, though.
I don't like most Clinique makeup or Cover GIrl or Estee Lauder, but the second I say that, they will have a fantastic product!
I do think that Dior and Chanel have some of the prettiest packaging. I also like many Asian brands that were easy to get in Australia, but hard to get here. Sob!
Oh, myself, I also don't buy much in the way of Lip Smackers or Bonne Bell, lol.