Worst day ever..........


Well-known member
Some broke into my crappy car and tried to steal it. They trashed the locks, window, and stole a bunch of stuff. I am so pissed right now.

Sorry needed to publicly vent somewhere.


Well-known member
Awww! That is horrible! I am sooo sorry! It is so sad that people are like that. I don't keep much in my car,.. I even make copies of my CD's so that I never have the originals in my car,.. Just really crappy that some people are that lousy and disrespectful.


Well-known member
My Sentiments Exactly But Do Not Worry It Will Come Back On Them Ten Fold
And That You Can Believe!


Well-known member
Karma is what I keep on thinking!

Oh no good CD's in the car I know better than that, I work for an insurance comapny and know they will only replace 1 cd even if you had your whole colection in there! Its the fact that they took the stuff in my car that were presents, and wreck my car that I had worked 2 years to purchase by myself., my first car. Oh well life goes on but it makes my day really really shitty, maybe Rowan will take me to MAC.


Well-known member
aw that sucks. that makes me really mad that people are like that. oh but they will get what is coming. at least your okay! i hope every thing turns out alright!!


New member

I am so sorry! I know how it feels. The police suck when it comes to stuff like this so it just makes you feel more violated.
I've never understood people who think it's ok to mess other peoples stuff!


Well-known member
Thanks ladies.

I just am so scared their going to come back and just take it or someone else will because there isn't a window in it. but good Ol' ford, you HAVE to have the key to turn the ignition over. A very nice safety feature they put on old mustangs, don't know why, but it worked!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LivinginPink
Thanks ladies.

I just am so scared their going to come back and just take it or someone else will because there isn't a window in it. but good Ol' ford, you HAVE to have the key to turn the ignition over. A very nice safety feature they put on old mustangs, don't know why, but it worked!

I have a "98 Mustang and if I don't use the remote start switch my car won't start. it is a great safety feature. Sorry about the damage though. that's one of the worse things to happen


Well-known member
awww I'm so sorry. My car wont lock, Its a piece of crap. Funny you said Rowan, my sons name is Rowan. I hope you make it to mac.