Would black hair look alright on me?


I've been thinking about dying my hair black for a long time, but I'm a little hesitant. I would like as many opinions as possible. I'm tired of my current pink hair and want a change. Also, because I'm turning 20 in 2 months and am afraid places won't hire me because of bright hair. I don't want to bleach my hair again so my only real options are brown, red, and black. I don't really like brown (on me. no offense to anyone else) and I used to have red hair for almost 3 years and I'm tired of it. I really like how black hair looks on a lot of people (Katy Perry, Dita, etc.) but I'm afraid it will look weird on me.


I know it's weird that I'm bold enough to dye my hair pink and am scared to dye it black. :< I'm just a strange person.

Also, I'm not as ghostly white as some of the pictures. I'm an NC15, and usually the lightest color in most foundations, but I'm not pure white. And my eyes are a bright jade green.

You can see my eye color best in this picture.


Well-known member
I know it may sound weird but have you thought of getting a wig with black hair and seeing if you like it? Then if you do dye it, if not then no harm! I personally think you'll look great with black hair.
You could always try a deep chocolate brown, it almost looks black but would still have some dimension to it. After that if you still like how dark it is then you can always go darker. I think a dark color would look great on you and make your eyes pop.


I totally think you could rock it. I've always thought that Black hair and light eyes were striking. I wanted to dye my hair black awhile ago but couldn't commit, only because I have fairly dark brown eyes. I think regardless of how pale someone is, with black hair, your eyes will just be the center of attention.