WTH ..OCTOMOM spent 1000 on MAC!


Well-known member
I'm sorry maybe I missed something, but how do we know she spent $1000 on MAC? All I see is a pic of her shopping at a MAC counter. So the source for this factual information is LJ and TMZ - oh it must be true!

BTW I prefer Octopussy. Hah!


Well-known member
I agree totally that we should all treat ourselves at one point and time, but there comes a limit especially when you have 14 children.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Blushbaby
With all the money she's got from interviews, etc $1000 probably isn't very much is it?

So long as the kids aren't going hungry while she slaps more lipgloss on her inflated lips, then what she spends her "hard earned" money on is her business.

It's so easy for people to jump on the bandwagon and shake their heads disapprovingly cos of all the media coverage surrounding her, but c'mon now there are women on Specktra who are just as bad - yet they get nothing but praise for spending the equivalent to a mortgage payment on MAC!

I agree with you well said, she has made money off of her interviews..She loves her children and provides for them.


Well-known member
Haha I agree with Julia. Octopussy is way better.

If she did spend 1000 dollars, thats crazy sauce. She owes like 2 million in hospital bills.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by almmaaa
I agree with you well said, she has made money off of her interviews..She loves her children and provides for them.

no, she doesnt and hasnt.
shes lived for the past several years off taxpayers' money. shes a leech off society.


Well-known member
if she did spend that much...

then Im just wondering what the heck she bought! where is her haul thread??

Im just kidding, I know this isnt a laughing matter for some, and I have my own opinion on this psycho woman, but my opinion isn't going to change what happens with her and her situation so I just read and go..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by almmaaa
Hey Hilly I know this is off topic but I think I'm not sure that phentermine is associted with pulmonary hypertension. Be careful if your taking it.

Check this link out http://www.chestjournal.org/content/121/2/649.full.pdf

lol thanks for the info. I was kinda confused because i wasnt sure what you are talking about but then i saw my ticker. lol but its some ad that popped up. i dont even know what it is lol

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
What's even more appalling than what this woman and her doctors have done is all of the people who just love to sit in front of their computer screens and tear her and her family apart. It's all terrible.


Well-known member
So first she pops 8 kids out, then turns crazy and then spends $1000 on MAC? Someone needs a psychiatrist pls.


Well-known member
This woman (Octo) is the very essence of what a parasitic leech can do in our system. Feeling sorry for her only makes her grab more $$. She is entitled to buy makeup, but is she entitled to beg out the popular sympathy and get $500 K for a new house and $ 135K per month on child care.. I think not. If so, then I should have quit working years ago and started to cook up babies in my uterus. This whole issue makes me sick!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Maybe she considers the $1000 an investment. Start looking good...find a sugar daddy? ha...



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Brittni
Maybe she considers the $1000 an investment. Start looking good...find a sugar daddy? ha...

That would be a great idea for her.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by florabundance
Yeah but come on..this woman has openly - proudly - exploited a health care system, has, for want of a better word, pimped out her self-inflicted circumstances (multiple chidlren, no partner, no job), to receive financial benefits. It's not disapproval that people should regard this woman with, it's disgust, imo.
When I look at her, I think about all the women with steady low income jobs, who try their best to live and work honestly and who would probably love nothing more than to go on a shopping spree occasionally and make themselves feel good, but whose jobs cover little more than necessities. She's vile.

couldnt have said it better myself. and whos stuck with the bill.. taxpayers! $1000 might be justifiable if she were earning this money herself but she isnt! its being provided for her bc of all the children - therefore she should be using it on them, like food, medical bills, daycare, etc, not for her own selfish purposes.

"The Suleman octuplets' medical costs have not been disclosed, but in 2006, the average cost for a premature baby's hospital stay in California was $164,273, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The average cost for just one cesarean birth in 2006 was $22,762 in California. Eight times that equals $1.3 million.

For a single mother, the cost of raising 14 children through age 17 ranges from $1.3 million to $2.7 million, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is struggling to close a $42 billion budget gap by cutting services, declined through a spokesman to comment on the taxpayer costs associated with the octuplets' delivery and care."



Well-known member
This is the kind of attention she wanted in the first place. She's being followed by paparazzi all the time and being offered interviews to be on TV.. Next comes the movie. Yeah - she got what she wanted. She wanted the kind of attention Angelina Jolie gets

but now she has to cope with the fact that she'll no longer have any privacy. It's a double edged sword


Well-known member
i really don't understand why this woman is "famous". is it just because she had 8 kids plus the 6 she has at home and can't afford to have any of them? because if so there are plenty of people out there popping out babies they can't afford. this obsession with this woman is so obscene and it disgusts me to no end.