Yet another newbie.

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Hello all!

Like the title says, I be new here. I think I registered a week ago or more, can't really remember, and have decided to introduce myself.

So! hello. My name is Angelique, and I'm somewhat new to MAC (I've known about it for about seven years, but since I've only recently gotten an income, I've only been buying it for about a year and a half now). I've always had an interest in makeup artistry but because I was raised on horror films, science fiction films, all the "Star Trek" series and other related nerdery, I've had a greater love for special effects makeup artistry. When I was in fifth grade I decided I wanted to be a special effects makeup tech, and that's what I set out to do.

Then, of course, my idiot genetic disorder backhanded my health and all that went out the window. I was born with Ehlers-Danlos type III and to save you all a very long and boring explanation of what it is, I shall paraphrase: basically, E.D. turns all the connective tissue in your body--cartilage, tendons, muscle tissue, etc-- to jello. My primary source of trouble is my spine but it varies with every person.

So thanks to my spine, I was barely able to finish high school. While I was there, however, I took mainly art classes since art has and shall always be my first creative love. I had a phenomenal art teacher and I learned color theory, color usage and more that I can't remember right now from her that I've been able to apply to the world of makeup artistry. I'm currently working with my doctor on pain management treatment (dislocations hurt) in hopes that we'll be able to get my pain levels down to 'liveable' so that I'll be able to go to art school, special effects school, or some sort of school in the near future.

For now, I've decided to teach myself all that I can about both traditional makeup artistry and special effects makeup artistry. It's taken me about a year to build up a collection of makeup large enough to actually work with, but it's been worth the wait. I'm improving on my skills in traditional makeup artistry which makes me very very happy, seeing as how school's out of the question right now. I think I've actually got a shot at getting a career in the makeup art industry some day.

The one thing that disappoints me is that in general, I'm not able to buy what I need from MAC. Since I want to do is special effects makeup art, I need lots of colors and textures that are not what the general comsumer wants or even needs and since I'm unable to both work/attend school, I can't get a MAC Pro membership. (I know, I've tried. I've e-mailed a woman that handles membership inquiries for a while now and it seems that because I don't have a job and I'm not in school, I'm screwed. I often wonder if I'm the only one left out of the loop in that manner thanks to a disability. Hmmm.) So far I'm managing, but who knows.

And now for all the junk that relates not to makeup artistry and my aspirations for the future! I'm an avid horror movie/novel/comic book/horror anything fan. The first movie I ever saw was Stuart Gordon's "From Beyond" when I was three and I was hooked ever since. I was raised a Trekkie and I adore most science fiction. I love drawing, and I wanted to be a graphics artist before the joints in my hands started dislocating. I still do draw, just not as much as I used to for obvious reasons. I'm a huge animal lover, with a particular fondness for rodents: rats, squirrels, mice, and the like. I plan on getting an African Gambian Pouch Rat when my rabbit dies. I'm a tech nerd and spend as much time as I can on my computer, making various modifications to it. I'm something of a gamer: my favorite games are the Age of Empires/Age of Mythology series, the DOOM series, Doom3, and Tomb Raiders 1-4. I can't stand this trend of remaking good films that don't need improving upon-- The Omen, The Hitcher, the Wicker Man, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, the upcoming Fright Night and Near Dark remakes, etc. And I'm writing my own epic zombie apocolypse survival novel that, if I ever finish it, I'm planning on turning into a screenplay that will never ever get made. Sweet.

So that is me in a very longish post (dear god do I apologize about the length--!). If anyone wants to PM me because we have similar interests, please go ahead! I probably won't respond right away because I can't sit up at the computer for very long but I will get back to you. Likewise goes for anyone who responds to this post: I probably won't respond right away but I WILL get back to you.

Again! I apologize about the length--I always had a tendency to ramble--and I'm happy I registered here. Specktra looks like an awesome place!


Well-known member
Hi Angelique, fellow Texan! Thanks for the intro, I really love reading them.
I hope you find something useful along the way while you're here.


Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra, hon. Very interesting intro. Thanks for sharing. Our fellow member, YOUBEABITCH (yeah, that's her user name-I'm not calling you names
), is a big trekkie too!


Well-known member
I'm always exited about meeting a new Texan! Also, it was nice to share about yourself right off the bat - already feel like I know you better! =)

Pink Xenomorph

Well-known member
Yay, replies! This shall be short--I'm typing from my father's computer since my computer imploded yesterday; friggin' bad registries, lousy Dell can't even install Windows correctly--and then I'm off to bed. Thankfully I didn't miss anything from the Barbie Loves MAC collection whilst my computer was happily blowing it's brains out: I must've been one of the only ones there for just the lip colors judging by how the doll, the shirts and the bag's out of stock. Ahh well, I'm just happy getting a bright blue-pink lipgloss. I'm something of a severely addicted lipgloss addict.

To MAC Whore, Janice and Kaliraksha: thank you for the welcome! I'm sure I'll have a great forum experience here since this be a forum that's exclusively about one of my great loves. And I'm so happy I didn't bore any of you with my extremely over-extended introduction! I type more or less how I talk (although I'm currently watching myself so that I don't curse how I do in real-life, har har), so I wanted to make sure I didn't either A) bore people to death with my intro and B) end up sounding so incoherent and off-topic that by the end of it all, people weren't wondering if I were head-injured or something.

Since I have to deal with Dell tech support walking me through on how to back up my files and instructing me on how to wipe and then reinstall Windows on my poor HAL unit tomorrow, I shall be signing off and going to sleep. Goodnight, all!

(and if I can overcome my terrible shyness at starting conversations, I'll absolutely find or PM YOUBEABITCH because FELLOW TREKKIE! oh how I adore my Trek {not counting Enterprise and every season of Voyager after the second. those were just depressing.})


Well-known member
hello Angelique! I'm glad you joined us here!
fab intro btw, and good luck with everything!!!