You Know You're a Make Up Addict If/When...

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
LMFAO!!! omg that is so similar to how the managers at my CCO act towards me. They should be happy though, i've given them tons of money.


you know you've got it bad when you say to yourself "Hmmmm, I really want this palette but I have to pay my light bill...oh well, I'll pay my light bill NEXT month"



Anyone who has tried to call me in the last few months can testify to this sort of behavior on my part. I'm like "Well...I DON'T really talk on the phone or text that much...and this is a great collection..."


Well-known member
HAHAHAHA!!! wouldn't it be hilarious if they had a couple of MAC addicts on that Intervention show?


Well-known member
You know you're a mac addict when you see that the price of an item is 2.17 and you think of the 217 MAC blending brush.


Well-known member
these posts are so funny

You know you're a makeup addict when you're taking your time to do your face and all of a sudden your husband tells you " you ready, its time to go" and you start rushing/get aggrevated/get anxiety because you've not done half your face yet!!!!!

You know you're a makeup addict when you realise you buy more makeup, even after you realise you should be buyingg stuff you really need.

you know you're a makeup addict when you want to buy items from the mac collection coming out next week....knowing you're gonna be so broke after that!!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ Too friggin cute...That is why God gave me a boy...

That doesn't always work - plenty of boys here on Specktra


Well-known member
you know you're an addict when you call the counter and ask if they have this or that and they say "Pamela, is that you"
YES it is

Edit to add: my dh finds it horrible that they recognize my voice


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
That doesn't always work - plenty of boys here on Specktra

Ok but I doubt at 2 y/o they had their own makeup bag and brushes like her baby??? Mine sure as hell didn't and he is 7...what he does when he is older is his own choice and I support that but as a toddler it is on me and I will not be buying him his own makeup set...The cute boys on here are old enough to make their own choices and pay with their own money.....So yep it is working over here for a long time to come...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glitternmyveins
You know your a make up addict when you have no furniture in your new house so the first thing you go to buy is a dressing table to display all your prized mac possessions.

*GASP* Who told you!??!

You know you're a makeup addict when you look at other people and wonder why they're not and how you could make them better!


Well-known member
You know you're a MAC addict when your favorite MA knows what collection you'll show up at next (in my case, it's HK).


Well-known member
When your heart skips a beat at just the sight of face paint (makeup).

When you purchase makeup just to have it because its soooooooo freakinakin
pretty that you don't want to use it!


Well-known member
You know you're a makeup addict when you start measuring dollar amounts in makeup products...

"Oh hey! That dress is 42 dollars...I could be buying 3 lipsticks with that money..or maybe even 2 lipsticks and a gloss...or an eye shadow and a lipstick...Hmm...I could squeeze in an eyeliner in there...I know it." -drools uncontrollably-


Well-known member
You know when your a makeup addict when your favorite MSF's dome shape is getting flat, you freak out and end up going to buy another MSF to be relieved.

You know your a makeup addict when you see gorgeous pigments, it's so hard to choose what color pigments you want or to really have.


Well-known member
You know youre a makeup addict when...

1. You will buy makeup before paying rent & bills. I just bought a buttload of makeup and my medical bill was due last week.

2. When your makeup has to be overflowed into the kitchen.

3. You have to buy several large tool boxes with locks and on wheels to store your makeup.

4. You can clean out your makeup stash every 2 months and donate the unwanted/unused goods to people who would appriciate it.
I give my goods to my cousins in the Philippines or my father-in-laws step daughters (long story... older man married younger women with 3 daughters from a previous relationship. Then they popped out 4 more kids, now they can't afford rent and gas sometimes). So I give them my goods and tell my in-laws not to worry about their teen girls wanting makeup.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by hhunt2
4. You clean out your makeup stash every 2 months and donate the unwanted/unused goods to people who would appriciate it.
I give my goods to my cousins in the Philippines or my father-in-laws step daughters (long story... older man married and younger women with 3 daughters from a previous relationship. Then they popped out 4 more, now they can't afford rent and gas sometimes). So I give them my goods and tell my in-laws not to worry about their teen girls wanting makeup.

That's really sweet


Well-known member
You know you're a make up addict when...your husband/boyfriend & your family & friends know who your favorite MUA.



Well-known member
when you are at the counter (swatching, describing products, debating on purchases, etc) and mua's ask did you work at (insert cosmetic counter) before? how/why do you know so much?
your s/o does not let you go near the counter knowing no matter how much you plea and promise-you ARE going to spend money you don't have!


Well-known member
You know you're a makeup addict when your boyfriend knows your makeup products by name. I look at so many hauls and he'll comment 'babe you already have that' or if we're watching a movie or show he'll look at me and say 'go ahead critique the makeup I know you want to' LOL