your daily makeup regimen...


Active member
ok guys i was bored and thought about doing this post. hopefully it will be fun and interesting...

so my question to all of you do you do your makeup? where do you start? any special tips? share your step-by-step guide to pampering and beautifying that face!
we can all learn a thing or two from each other. =)

i usually put on my face like this:

1. gotta wash the face of course! a very important step-the best way to start putting your makeup is definitely w/a clean face (i wash my face at least 3 times a day-morning, before putting on my makeup, and night)
2. moisturizer! oh yes! can't forget that-it makes the rest of your makeup just "sink-in" i used a regular moisturizer from avon.

3. dab on a little of MAC fast response eye cream under the eyes
3. next would be my select cover up concealer-just a tad bit will go on my lids too
4. i use a short-handled MAC powder brush i forget the ....with studio fix
5. at this point i'll usually fill in my eyebrows with my handy dandy lingering eyebrow crayon-i'd die without it! i ALWAYS need to have 2 on hand because it tends to run out before you know it!
6. my favorite part-eyeshadow! gotta love's the best and most fun thing to put on since the possibilities are endless! gotta start with a base of course. i'm a sponge girl. i'd say i'll only use a brush for blending and highlight
7. eyeliner and mascara to follow
8. i put on my blush making a fish face. lol
9. lip liner and lipstick or lipglass. but my all time favorite lip product to use would be MAC lacquers! ohh yeah baby i love em! lol.

and last but not least, look in the mirror and give myself a pat on the back lol.

now this whole process usually takes me just under an hour. but if i'm in a rush, 15-20 min tops.

so ladies, how do YOU put on YOUR makeup?

share share share!


Well-known member
I wake up at 7 and goto school at 7:45 *this includes breakfast* So I have to get going pretty fast. I take a long time to do everything, lol.

1. Quickly wash face
2. Dry face
3. Brush teeth
4. concealer/powder
5. eyeliner
6. "do" my eyebrows
7. Chapstick

Then I have a choice of keeping it that way or actually put some eye shadow, blush etc on.


Well-known member
1. wash face
2. Use toner
3. moisturize
4. concealer
5. studiofix
9. brows
10. lipliner and lipstick.

then I do the hair.


Well-known member
About an hour including shower...

1. Shower - 20 mins
2. Wash Face - DDF Blemish Cleanser
3. Pat Dry
4. Acne Cream - Perricone Acne Gel Cream - on any zits, especially the ones that are just forming.
5. Moisturize - Shiseido Bio-Performance Super Advanced Revitalizer
6. Foundation - Giorgio Armani - LSF
7. Under Eye Concealer - MAC Studio Finish Concealer
8. Loose Powder - Becca Fine Loose Powder
9. Blush - Giorgio Armani Sheer Blush
10. Eyeliner - Yves Saint Laurent Haute Tenue in N.2 (white)
11. Mascara - Giorgio Armani Soft Lash
12. Lip Balm - Kiehls N.1
13. Lip Gloss - Stila Lip Pot in Baie (YLBB)

The result?


Hahaha, i know some may have already seen that picture. But i love it so much. <3!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautifulxdisaster
^^^ It looks like you aren't wearing anything at all! Now I wonder about the guys at my school...

Hahaha...well its good that when a guy wears makeup, one should not be able to tell. Girls as well, how many times have you seen a girl with foundation so thick, that if you scratched her face, it'd leave a dent?

There isnt ALOT of difference between when i do, and when i don't wear makeup. Other than old acne scars and some redness and some bags and puffiness around my eyes. Things that most guys have...

I just look at alot more refined and classic when i have it on, my skin is even, and i always get comments on how radiant my skin is, and people are always so shocked then i tell them I have makeup on, since they never believe me. Hahaha...


Well-known member
1) Olay Daily Facials (my HG) to wash face
2) Olay complete to moisturize
3) Benefit F.Y.Eye eye base
4) Mac shroom (wash), sable (lid/crease), noctournelle (outter corner)
5) Mac carbon to line, L'Oreal Voluminous mascara in black
6) Cargo gotham blush
7) Crapshoot on what's on lips: usually L'Oreal colorjuice in Passion Fruit Squeeze or Mac Flashmode lustreglass
8)OH YEAH! MAC studiofix in N3.

That's my daily routine, but I always experiment w/ color.


i keep telling my guy friends that makeup is their friend but nooooo they just dont listen!

1.wash face.
2.moisturizer! sephora brand. im cheap and poor lol

3.too faced concealer {the double ended one) under my eyes and blend.
4.moisture blend foundation applied with sponge. i need to invest in a brush but it was either the brush or the foundation last trip and what good is a brush without foundation?
5.Urban Decay blush in paranoid

6.canton candy paint on eyelids.
7.too faced first base on browbone

8.eyeshadow time! i use my too faced crease brush to apply pretty much everything. normally a mixture of UD midnight cowboy, X, polyester bride on browbone, MAC mythology in crease, kitschmas pigment along lashline and bottom lashline and dusted gently on browbone.

9.line my top and bottom lashes with my #263 brush and blacktrack fluidline.

10.cheapo jane mascara. i need to invest in something better.

11.notice im running 5 mins late like always, locate my love nectar l/g and put it on in the car on way to class/work.

if im feeling like i look icky or i have more time i use my toofaced powder brush and dust on some studio fix and a little of my too faced bronzer.

it only takes me 15-20 mins.


Well-known member
1) Wash face, of course. Either Mario Badescu Cucumber Cleansing Gel or Neutrogena Pore-Refining Wash thingie. I don't function well in the mornings, so it's whatever I grab first.

2) Toner. Either Mario Badescu Keratoplast Cleansing Lotion or Burt's Bees Garden Tomato Toner.

3) Moisturizer: Neutrogena Oil-Free moisturizer SPF 15. I never leave the house without SPF 15 something on, because I'm Malfoy-pale and don't take well to the sun.

4) Lip balm: Lush Lip Service. But I should switch to something with sunblock.

5) Foundation: MAC Select Tint SPF 15 NC20 (why don't they make this in NC15??), then Studio Fix NC15.

6) Fling brow crayon, then eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara. I usually pick out my makeup the night before, because I am really that nonfunctional in the morning.

6a) Fix mascara blots on eyelids.

7) Blush.

8 ) Lip liner and/or lipstick and/or gloss, depending on what I do with my eyes.

9) be 10 minutes late for work.


Active member
1) wash face: origins checks and balances cleanser
2)moistuize: origins balanced diet with origins never say dry on rough patches
3)origins 'quick hide' concealer undereyes
4)mac paint, usually bare canvas
5)pearl ccb over paint (helps shadows stick and be vibrant)
6)eyeshadow! and lots of it
7)line waterline with engraved powerpoint, zoomlash mascara
8)brush off any fallout
9)origins 'spot remover' acne stuff on zits, followed by concealer
10)mac select spf 15 NW20, blended with fingers
11)clinique blended loose powder in transparency 3
12)fill brows with random lancome dark brown e/s
13)blush, usually mac cubic
14)a little more loose powder, and touch ups wherever needed

...whoa...that's a lot of crap...
i think it usually takes 20-30 mins, depending on how complex the e/s is


Well-known member
I feel so slovenly after reading this thread.

We're lucky if I've bathed every other day!

I don't have a daily routine when it comes to makeup- I listen to what my skin tells me as far as extra washing/moisturizing/etc. as far as makeup goes, I'd say a good 75% of the time I'm not wearing any.


Well-known member
Shower lasts about 15-20 minutes...and then:
1) Wash face
2) Moisturize and put contacts in
3) Foundation (Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse)
4) Concealer (MAC Select Cover-Up)
5) MAC Paint in Untitled as base
6) Eyeshadow ...sometimes eyeliner
7) Mascara
8) Blush

And away we go....takes about 10-15 minutes.
oh and 9) Slop on some lip balm and Lipglass/lustreglass right before I leave for class.


Well-known member

1.wash face
2.i then blow dry it and blow dry my eyelashes lol
3.avon moisturizer
4.clinque pore mini. (revlon colorstay) ..sometimes use fingers or a sponge
6.eyeliner (only if im up for it for the day)\
8.I then get my eyelash curler and blow dry it to make it warm and then blow dry my face again to get all the extra eyeshadow off my face
9.use the eyelash curler lol
12.then i do my eyebrows

this takes me about 20-30 min..but thats only on days i go out like weekends and day offs ..i never really wear makeup to school anymore! lol i;ve found my skin is a lot more fresher now that i've stopped wearing foundation. I usualy just wear mascara and off i go!


Well-known member
Well . . . I usually:

1. Wash my face
2. Use toner all over
3. Moisturize
4. Foundation (Super Balanced Compact)
5. Concealer (MAC Select Cover Up)
6. Then I use Cream Color Base in Tint as a base on my eyelids for my eyeshadows
7. I use a gold/beige shimmery eyeshadow (by Estee Lauder) all over my lids.
8. I wear different color eyeshadows everyday, but my usual look is Amber Lights all over with Stila Eyeshadow in Jade as a liner.
9. Then I brush on two coats of black mascara, usually one by Loreal.
10. Then I use blush, which is either MAC Mocha or MAC Foolish Me, or Estee Lauder Raspberry or Potpurri.
11. I put on some kind of Lip Smackers, then MAC Lustreglass in Wonderstruck, Springbean, or MAC Lipglass in Oh Baby.

& that's all . . . it doesn't take that long, actually


Well-known member
I love reading such posts, it's so much fun!

1. Wash face (Nivea cleanser)
2. Moisturize (Biotherm Aquasource)
3. Base for eyelids (usually a MAC paint or some dabs of fluidline)
4. Eyeshadow (mostly MAC, optional: eyeliner)
5. Mascara
6. Foundation (depending on mood) and concealer
7. Blot powder
8. Lipgloss (or lipstick)

Depending on how much time I have, I'll do it all in 20 minutes or be more elaborate and spend an hour on it ;-)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Onederland
Hahaha...well its good that when a guy wears makeup, one should not be able to tell. Girls as well, how many times have you seen a girl with foundation so thick, that if you scratched her face, it'd leave a dent?

Good gosh, it's true. That type of foundation wearer has always scared the crap out of me.

My routine is really minimalist too, because I only cleanse/tone/moisturise at night, when I have my pre-bed shower/bath.

In the morning after brushing teeth, I very rarely recleanse unless my skin feels like it needs it. This is a run-down of my routine:

1. wet flannel with boiling water, squeeze dry then wipe face all over (not only does this wake me up, but gets rid of oilier patches on my face)
2. use toner on face if needed (usually only if oily)
3. apply daytime moisturiser, and only if venturing outside
4. apply lip liner
5. apply lip product of choice, usually gloss. If lips are really dry, I'll put balm on underneath let sit for a while, then wipe off
6. eye makeup only if I can be bothered/not running late/feeling really girly

The only thing I can say I do everyday without fail is the wet flannel thing - really livens up my skin (and person, ha ha!).


Well-known member
-wash face (specktro gel)
-moisturize (olay complete)
-MK full coverage foundation used as undereye concealor, if I need coverage on my face I use Annabelle skintrue foundation
-I use the angled brush part of the lise watier brow/lash brush to apply a dark eyeshadow to my upper lashline -spooly part of lise watier brush to tame brows
-mascara on top lashes only (rimmel ESL)
-blush (fleur power)
-prep lips with labello lip balm before putting on lipstick/gloss
-flatiron to straighten kinks in hair (I shower at night) & A/G liquid varnish to tame frizz

On workdays pretty eyeshadow looks are usually out of the question. It's too much work to apply because I absolutely must use a cream base and even then it doesn't stay on for a full 10 hours. So I only wear it when I have extra time in the morning.


1. wash face while in the shower

2. toner (C.O. Bigelow for B&BW)

3. moisturize (Clinique superdefense)

4. foundation (MAC NW20 Studio Stick)

5. concealor (if i'm not running late! Bobbi Brown colcealor kit)

6. brows (MAC clear brow gel)

7. e/s: usually BB Bone or MAC Vanilla as a wash, with Retrospeck/Sweet Lust on the lids, Phloof! to highlight the browbone/inner corners of the eyes

8. e/l: Clinique quickeyes in Slate (if i'm pressed for time!); MAC e/s in Woodwinked as a liner

9. blush: BB blush in Sandstone, NARS Orgasm, Baby Pink cheek jelly

10. lips: MAC clear lip conditioner (always!), l/g in Sizzlepeach/Wonderstruck if i have time (and i usually don't!)

11. a mist of Evian aerosol spray to my face before i jet out the door- helps keep my face feeling nice, even when i have the heat or the AC blasting in the car! =)


New member
If I'm not going out anywhere...

1. Shower and/or wash face
2. Toner (Biotherm)
3. Moisturizer (Biotherm biosensitive)

If I am going out, this is the essential makeup...

4. Foundation (Chanel double perfection creme poudre)
5. Concealer
6. Brow color (MAC pencil in lingering)
7. Powder (Clinique gentle light)
8. Blush
9. Eye shadow base (using Stilife paint all over to brighten my eyes)
10. Tinted lip balm

If I have time and I'm not feeling lazy, I'll add...

11. Check brows for stray hairs and tweeze
12. Brow wax (smashbox, or just plain old hair wax)
13. Eye shadow and liner
14. Curl lashes and apply mascara (I always curl them if I'm using mascara)
15. Lip liner, although I often skip this
16. Lipstick or gloss, depending on my mood

Hm, that's a lot of steps.. no wonder I'm always late :p Good thing my hair is low maintenance.


Well-known member
Mon. - Thurs. ( cuz i have work)

1.wash face (toleraine by la roche posay)
2.efflaclar k (prevents blemishes)
3.SPF 20 mixed with moisterizer (hydraphase by la roche posay)

then i just use the mineral makeup at my work between clients if im bored otherwise i dont wear anything but carmex on lips. haha.

Weekends or when i go out :

1 - 3 same as above (for day i have a different night routine)
4.with powder brush apply youngblood mineral loose powder concealer
5.blush... usually peachykeen eye liner
7.shadow... whatever i feel like using.
8.carmex or some other chapstick
9.lipgloss.. usually precocious.

And im done! takes about 30 mins tops.