Your festival makeup tips!


Active member
Hiya guys,

bit different from the norm but I was wondering what you would take, in terms of cosmetics, to a festival.

I'm off to this amazing festival in about a week and I want to take enough with me for some funky looks, one for a really dramatic one (I'm dressing in all gold and taking my adored Metal-X Pure Ore) which isn't

a)Too big to carry
b)Too expensive to lose.

If you had to take the bare minimum what would you take?


Well-known member
If it were me, I'd take (aside from the basics like foundation and setting powder) blackground pp, Club e/s, Carbon e/s, Vanilla e/s, a bright blue like Jewel Blue(granted, this is a bit more green, but it's still pretty) or Electric Eel, and Orange e/s (or Rule if you don't have Orange), plus two basic browns, a medium toned one, and a dark one. For blush, I'd bring something versatile, but somewhat subdued...I'd wear Dollymix, because it can be worn very sheer for a nice flush, or layered on for more impact. Lipstick, bring a basic red or pink (depending on what you favor), and a nude, or forget lipstick all together and just bring gloss. I wouldn't be caught dead without MAC Red, Girl About Town, or Vegas Volt, or my Love Alert d/g (which looks amazing over pinks and reds both) and Love Nectar l/g. Add in your favorite liner and mascara, and you should have enough for a few different looks.
The main thing with these e/s (and the blush) is that they're not LE, and so if you lose one, or it gets stolen (heaven forbid), it'll be easy to replace. HTH!


Active member
Excellent advice. I've actually got most of those eyeshadows which is brilliant.

And as for lippy... well it's got to me Ruby Woo for me.


Well-known member
This isn't so much makeup inspired but more for hair.

Take Batiste, it's always the first thing I pack when festival time comes around. It takes the greasies out, it also takes out mud slime and excess product incase you make a booboo.