Hair Weaving Glue = Eyelash Adhesive?


Well-known member
i've had customers having to come in to get lashes put on every weekend, because they were previously wearing those "individuals" that are glued on with hair glue... and they lost chunks of their own lashes! since some of the glue bonds to the eyelash hairs, it may rip them off! i've seen it happen to alot of people. i don't don't think it's worth it, even if they stay on for a long period of time. not to mention the possibility of it getting into your eye! umm going to the ophthalmologist for an allergic reaction to a foreign substance can be really expensive! NOT WORTH IT PEOPLE!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamourgirl216
i've had customers having to come in to get lashes put on every weekend, because they were previously wearing those "individuals" that are glued on with hair glue... and they lost chunks of their own lashes! since some of the glue bonds to the eyelash hairs, it may rip them off! i've seen it happen to alot of people. i don't don't think it's worth it, even if they stay on for a long period of time. not to mention the possibility of it getting into your eye! umm going to the ophthalmologist for an allergic reaction to a foreign substance can be really expensive! NOT WORTH IT PEOPLE!

Thanks so much for responding with this. I totally forgot that I had customers come up to me for lashes and whip out their hair glue and ask me to apply them with that. Yeah, big no-no at MAC -- for some reason in our area this happens frequently so they tell employees about it ahead of time and give us a nice response in return when confronted with the hair glue. =)


New member
Most eyelash glue is horriable for your eyes most of them contain ETHOXYETHANOL ACETATE and DIETHYLHEXYL PHTHALATE. Weave glue also cotains these ingredance. How ever the clear verison of weave glue that has a bronzey tint that has Acrylic in it is way horriable like there is a huge chance of going blind.

Make sure ur using the black latex bonding glue if your going to use anything if you can't find it just use eyelash glue lol.


Well-known member
the lady at the beauty supply does that
but its horirble cuz hse alwyas wears the lashes so i guess hse keeps adding more and more cuz its caked up
and really noticeable. hot.mess. anyways, iono weaving glue (at least the one i used long time ago) had too strong of a smell for me ot put near my sensitive eyeslol


Well-known member
I use asian eyelid glue to attach my fake lashes. Its usually used to give asian girls a double eyelid =]. Lasts for the whole day, and I know it's safe for the eye area!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glamourgirl216
i've had customers having to come in to get lashes put on every weekend, because they were previously wearing those "individuals" that are glued on with hair glue... and they lost chunks of their own lashes! since some of the glue bonds to the eyelash hairs, it may rip them off! i've seen it happen to alot of people. i don't don't think it's worth it, even if they stay on for a long period of time. not to mention the possibility of it getting into your eye! umm going to the ophthalmologist for an allergic reaction to a foreign substance can be really expensive! NOT WORTH IT PEOPLE!

And the worse thing is the stories about eye infections/burning/ tearing etc. that these ladies talk about all for refusing to just re-apply the lashes in the morning. (SMH). As someone who wears lashes everyday, and I would never risk my eyesite like that.

If it's the color you are worried about, lash glue comes in dark/ black at the walgreens/ target/ walmart etc.


Well-known member
Yea this is apparently the newest trend about, I personally would be scared to put hair glue near my eyes...I'll stick with duo thank you.


Well-known member
I guess it makes sense----if you're rocking weaves and have the bonding glue nearby. Personally, I wear tracks only on my eyes it's DUO for me.


Well-known member
One of my favorite MAC artists taught me this a few years back, I've been doing it ever since! She said she uses it during every wedding that she does. Now, It's the only glue I use. I thought it made a lot of sense, since it's thinner, darker and dries so much quicker. But I guess that doesn't make it any safer lol.


Well-known member
I did a photo shoot and all the girls whated me to use weaving glue..but I just could not do it..i was totally against using weaving glue..DUO..


Well-known member
Yeah, I'm not really sure I can get down with using the hair glue as adhesive for my false lashes. I don't know. My eyes are already screwed up and I just can't see taking the chance of messing them up anymore just for the possibility of having a longer hold and wear for the lashes, but that's just me.


Well-known member
WOW...I guess to each their own..but I use the clear duo and my lashes last all day...bonding glue just does not sound safe at all...but a lot of girls on YT do it all the time...WOW....

I also prefer to be able to safely remove my lashes at night, sanitize them and kim....


Well-known member
OK. Is it because it's more bang for your buck? I haven't had to buy track glue since probably '99, so I can't remember the price....


Well-known member
I had a friend who used bonding glue also, she was a hairstylist. She said she liked it because it blended in better than the lash glue that dries and its still kind of white.
I showed her that Duo Dark lash glue does the exact same thing but she still uses bonding glue. I say to each thier own, I dont think its too much more unsafe than getting lash glue in your eye.


Well-known member
When I can't find my lash glue I use the hair glue. It works better than the lash glue - you don't have to wait for the glue to get sticky, and the hair glue bonds like cement. I can understand the hesitation though, the hair glue doesn't seem like it would be eye safe at all. Especially since it isn't supposed to be used on your scalp whatsoever.

I only use it when I absolutely have to, even though it works so well. Duo should sell their dark glue (which isn't even black or dark brown but some gross gray) in more stores.


Well-known member
I personally wouldn't ever do that b/c I just feel like your eyes aren't something people should take chances with...and plus I tend to get eye infections really easily so I wouldnt