My cat is dying.


Well-known member
There is something that I love in this world much more than makeup, and that is my cat, Dusty. Dusty is 18 years old, and I'm afraid she's on her last legs. She has been acting strange for the past couple of weeks. She's been meowing for me to bring her water and food. She started to get better, she started eating her treats again, and was rolling around in the sun the other day. However, last night took a turn for the worst. She stopped eating, she won't even lick the water I dripped on her lips, she can barely walk, and is staying sleeping on the couch. She let out a few meows through out the night, and as soon as I started to pet her and comfort her, the meows stopped. I have been up all night with her making sure she was ok, taking her to the litter box when she needed to go.
I can tell she's in her final moments. I want her to die peaceful and naturally in her blanky with little pain as possible. Right now she is resting, breathing lightly.
I didn't realize I would be this upset over Dusty. I expected to be a little emotional, but I have been up and crying all night along side her. I've had her since I was a child, in fact I picked her out. We have grown up together. I don't want to say good bye, but I know it has to happen. I am so devastated right now I can barely think or do anything.
What helped you get over the death of your pet? or knowing your pet was going to die?


Well-known member
Really the only thing that helped me get over the death of my cat and more recently a guinea pig was knowing that they were no longer in pain. My cat went into total renal failure at the end of his life, and it was the hardest thing to do to watch him take his last breath, but I stayed with him through it all. I did however bolt from the vet's office to my car and had a total breakdown afterwards. I felt like I had failed him somehow, but really I didn't. I gave him the best life I could, he gave me 15 happy years of his, and in the end was now in a better place free to have as many treats as he wanted. It took a while to get used to him not being around. seeing his bowls and not hearing him run around the house was the worst thing for a while. Pets give us so much and ask for so little in return.

My condolences on your loss. I can empathize with your feelings of devastation. Do take all the time you need to grieve, though. (And kick anyone that says "It was just a cat" to you. that made me feel better, tee hee! kick 'em in the shins!)


Well-known member
i am so sorry about your beautiful Dusty. and i am sure that the best thing you can be doing is just being their to comfort her and show her that you love her. i think you are being such a strong person. i can't imagine what it will be like when one of mine get to that age and stage of their lives. i don't have any advice - but just know that i am thinking of you both at this hard time.

mtmrimier i am sorry for your losses also. and i agree with kicking people that say 'oh it was just a .....' they obviously have no idea what it is like to have such a connection with a pet - big or small.


Well-known member
i am so sorry about your beautiful Dusty. and i am sure that the best thing you can be doing is just being their to comfort her and show her that you love her. i think you are being such a strong person. i can't imagine what it will be like when one of mine get to that age and stage of their lives. i don't have any advice - but just know that i am thinking of you both at this hard time.

mtmrimier i am sorry for your losses also. and i agree with kicking people that say 'oh it was just a .....' they obviously have no idea what it is like to have such a connection with a pet - big or small.
Thank you for your kind words LMD84. I truly do appreciate it. It's a really difficult time for me, especially when friends don't understand how hard the death of a pet is. Thank you for thinking about us.


Well-known member
Wow,I am so sorry.I know how much pain you are going through.I lost my cat Sneakers in Oct 10',and that ripped my heart out.I,too,had her since she was a baby,she was born in my house.She was my best friend and I cannot begin to describe the pain.My precious girl had renal failure,and bled from her mouth the day it happened.I would have traded places with her in an instant if I could.I am still in pain,but what is helping me get through this is my cat Snook I adopted from a shelter.He is so sweet,and he makes me laugh.I will keep you and Dusty in my prayers


Specktra Bestie
VC I am so sorry. I know exactly what you feel like. I lost my little man, Morgan at just shy of 19 years a couple of years back. And he deteriorated in exactly the same way that you're describing Dusty. Even thinking about someone else going through that makes me want to cry. I think that what others have said is true- when she passes, it's important to remember that she is simply no longer in pain. Think of the years of happiness and love you've shared together and, yes, stay with her at the end so that her last experiences are happy ones. I think that the hardest part for me was not the idea that something bad had happened to him- I knew he'd lived a long, full, happy life and that everyone who met him had basically fallen in love with him- but that it was hardest on me because I was left to feel his absence. Despite the fact that we know these things are going to happen and we think we'll be able to put it in perspective, it still hurts a tremendous amount. All my best wishes go out to you and to Dusty.


Well-known member
I am so sorry for you and your kitty Dusty. I will keep you in my thoughts. I cannot imagine how i will react when Mojo goes. I'm pretty sure i;m going to have to call in sick for work for at least a week. Just remember, Dusty is so lucky to have you as a companinon. So many people treat their animals so poorly, they euthanize them because they litterally "no longer match the furniture", they dump them because they are "too much work". Or because they get sick of them, or have a baby. Dusty got an owner who loved her her whole entire life of 18 years (which is a good age for a cat!), who care when she was in pain, who groomed her, and fed her. An owner who stayed up all night with her to make her as comfortable as possible in her last litte while. Someone who cried because they couldn't stand to see her in pain, and someone that will mourn her when shes gone. Dusty was/is very fortunate, just as you were equally fortune to know her.
I'm a worrier. And i constantly work myself up worrying about loosing the people that i love. But one that calms me down (although its kind of cheesy) is this; Out of all the years that our world has been around, out of all the times, places and people you could have met, in your short time that you will exist in the span of history, you got to meet and share your life with dusty for 18 years (her whole life). That's pretty Amazing. And that was quite the run on sentence.

Anyway, I'm sorry about your beloved kitty. I hope she goes as quickly and painlessly as possible, and that maybe you can get her some purr time in there.

And absolutely, anyone that says "it's just a cat" is not worth knowing, plain and simple. I don;t trust anyone that doesn't like animals, and never will.


Well-known member
I just wanted to say that Dusty passed away around 4 in the morning last night. Thank you everyone for all of your support. It has helped me a great deal. I'm so grateful to know we are being thought of. I'm trying to stay positive, and think of the good times she had. It's very upsetting with the idea she will no longer be around, but I know it's better off so she's not in pain. We plan on laying her to rest with some of her favorite toys.
My condolences go out to everyone who has lost a loved pet. Again, thank you everyone.


Well-known member
Oh Sweetie, I am so so sorry for what you are going through. My heart goes out to you and Dusty. I know she was glad to have you with her to make her as comfortable as possible through her passing. Your furbaby is no longer in pain and hopefully that will help you. Please take time grieve, you need it to help you with the pain. You will get a lot of support here so just feel free let it all out.

I hate when people say "Oh it was just a ........." I just want to slap them.

Seriously my dog is my best friend. He's been there for me like no one else, through my mother's passing, both times when my son was in Iraq and that is only naming a few. He knows when I'm upset and comes to me and puts his head on me. He lets me hug him and cry as much as I need to. I know he will not be with me much longer. I am hoping for a couple of more months. People say you'll know when it's time but I'm not so sure I will. He has good days and bad days. I feel what gives me the right to end a life, but I don't want him to be in pain. Right now the new medicine is helping. But it breaks my heart when I look into his big brown eyes knowing I won't be able to that anymore in a very short time.

My dog is a Sheltie and they usually live about 12-14 yrs. My baby will be 16 on Oct. 26th. Two of my kitties are pushing 17 yrs. I suppose we can at least find comfort in the fact that they have let us be their human for a lot of years. Anyone that have/had cats knows whose the boss, it certainly isn't us humans.


Well-known member
I am so sorry for your loss. My dog (who I will always see as the little puppy I got when I was just a kid) has aged considerably in the last couple years as well... losing him would devastate me. I'm just so sorry.


So sorry to hear about this. I have lost many pets over the years and it's always hard to deal with. But I still keep getting them and they still keep me company and all they want in return is some love and treats. I took in Chester as a stray and he has been the best for 14 years. And when we recently moved to another place he was in a real jerk. I thin he was left by the ones who had him before and thought I would leave him to. But when he saw all his stuff and the furniture and all including Lickity Split was all there he settled down to his same old routine. Don't know how I would handle it when one of them goes. Lickity has diabetis and is losing weight but still his same old self.


Well-known member
When my 2nd cat died I was literally crying for weeks it's such a terrible feeling! I'm so so sorry for your loss Hun!