How do you prepare yourself in future?


Dream is our passion. In this world anyone doesn’t have who don’t see dream while sleeping. I like to see. But I am in confusion in my future. My dream was to be a Aviator when I was the age of 12. But in the passing of time my all dreams goes wrong. Now I am studying on Fashion and Design What do you think by doing this I can build up my career and living well?

All suggestion will be highly accepted.

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Fashion designing is the future for many and i am sure there isn't anything wrong with following your dreams especially when they take you to a very reasonable destinations and that's the way how it always works which is the best part of it.


Active member
It's always possible! Be dedicated and find out what type of fashion speaks to you, what market, etc. Maybe partner up even. It will be a lot of hard work but what's the harm in trying? If you never try you'll never know.