I need some hand/nail treatments like nobodies business!!


Well-known member
Ladies! The title says it all....

My nails are dry and weak and peel. My cuticles will NOT be tamed. I'm starting to get (genetic) ridges on my nails. I get the little skin tags that catch and tear and bleed on the sides of my nails. I am going insane!!

I take a comprehensive multi-vitamin, loads of fish oil *AND* a Biotin hair/nail supplement. WHY DO MY NAILS HATE ME!!?

I needs some treatments that will help my hands not look so gawd-awful.


Well-known member
Have you been to a really good manicurist? They can possibly help you and reccomend some treatments.

I used this video tutorial and it seemed to sort them out...
YouTube - Nail Care Basics

I also got a set from wallgreens of sally hanson, cuticle oil, nail growth activator and insta dry. That really works wonders.
I also use moisturiser on my hands 3 times a day, so I brought the bath and body works hand wash and lotion and every time i soak my hands i was them after and put lotion on.

Another thing is, when washing up use gloves to protect your hands. Water caused my nails to peel, and also handeling detergent and chemicals.