Inglot Cosmetics - European/Polish brand


Well-known member
Anyone have more info on the price incrase? The other day I went to their site and added a 10 Palette + shadows to my cart (didn't buy it) and it still came out to $50 and I heard they were going to raise it to $80 or so in May? Well May is almost I was curious about it. I thought maybe I would buy myself a palette for my birthday next month but I'm worried by then it will be more expensive! :/


Well-known member
Anyone have more info on the price incrase? The other day I went to their site and added a 10 Palette + shadows to my cart (didn't buy it) and it still came out to $50 and I heard they were going to raise it to $80 or so in May? Well May is almost I was curious about it. I thought maybe I would buy myself a palette for my birthday next month but I'm worried by then it will be more expensive! :/

I went to Inglot on Saturday and while here were a few items with a price increase at the register there was the same old price. The freedom system was also carrying the older pricing. I havent heard anything recently about the price increase but if I could I would grab what I can right now.


Well-known member
The Matte shades are already on Inglot's website for US. The palette isn't there but the shades are. Total is 69 as of now.. They need to add the 11 others.. (I think I did my math right)
There are ten total colors missing that won't be out for a while? Enkore said later this summer. They are letting people that purchased from the makeup show either pick other colors or wait for the new colors to come out and be shiped to them when they are in stock!! I am so excited to pick these matte palettes up at the Chicago Makupshow this weekend!! Woohoo!!~


Well-known member
I'm heading to the Chelsea store on Monday - I'm interested in the new mattes as well as the 'rainbow' shades....I was originally going to order from the site (before I found out I was going to NYC) but it's a royal pain in the butt. I'll stick to either ordering from the store (Ann at the Chelsea store is fabulous) or getting stuff in-person.

Evilrose, did your boyfriend get your palette for you?


Well-known member
I'm heading to the Chelsea store on Monday - I'm interested in the new mattes as well as the 'rainbow' shades....I was originally going to order from the site (before I found out I was going to NYC) but it's a royal pain in the butt. I'll stick to either ordering from the store (Ann at the Chelsea store is fabulous) or getting stuff in-person.

Evilrose, did your boyfriend get your palette for you?
Please tell me the price of the total 40 matte palette when you get it! Also if you can get a list of the colors thats in the palettes I would be interested! Thanks!!!


Well-known member
I went to the Vegas Forum Shops store last weekend and made a small (but lovely!) purchase. I got the three e/s + one blush palette, because I wanted a slim palette with everything in it to easily slip into a travel makeup bag or on-the-go. I filled mine with P422, P423, and P444 eyeshadows (warm bronze, warm burgundy-brown, warm gunmetal) and the #27 blush (a super pigmented medium rose). I sort of wish I'd chosen a lighter color blush (harder to mess up) but I'm still super happy. The quality is off-the-charts smooth!! The eyeshadows remind me of Dior. The palette cost me $28 plus tax -- phenomenally well priced. I can tell this is going to be a palette I reach for constantly.


Well-known member

The total palette cost is $185 - I didn't have time to write down all of the 40 shadows that come in the palette, but they're all beautiful. The matte formula is superb. Some, however, are part of the existing collection. There were empty spots with the message 'new color coming in Oct 2011', so those that thought they were coming this summer, nope.

I came away with another 20 palette, but was irked that 3 of the brown shades I wanted were out of stock. I asked if the Chelsea store (I was at the Broadway store) could send the colors up (since Chelsea serves as their 'warehouse') and I was told that everyone in the Chelsea store was at the Chicago cosmetics show. I said
huh2.gif they close down the store so that they could all go to Chicago? Long story short, they couldn't get the colors to me until Friday (after I had said that I would be leaving Wednesday) so I had to skip it. To top it off, the guy told me I could order which I responded that I didn't want to pay the shipping charges for that. I'm in the store, you have the stock in another store, I would like for someone to be customer-service oriented and get the colors to me (I didn't actually say THAT, but I implied it). He then told me that I could call the store when I got home, and they would ship free for orders over $150
, to which I said, um, yeah, but 3 shadows does not equal $150. Duh? I was less than impressed. And still irked when I left. So I guess I will save these colors for another visit (who knows when that will be).

I guess these companies are just doing too well to care about customer service -


Well-known member
Honey, nice haul! Those are fabulous colors, and yes, the blushes are crazy pigmented. I'm glad you love what you got!

Rei, no, the boxes are not huge, and they're not really all that heavy. The shadows are in plastic packaging, wrapped in a thin plastic sleeve. The palettes come boxed separately.


Well-known member
Dilligaf, the following are some of the colors in the matte range - I didn't get them all, but I'm pretty sure all of these are mattes....they're all numbered in the 300s. As I mentioned before, some of the ones they have in the palette are original colors, not new to the matte palette.



Well-known member
Dilligaf, the following are some of the colors in the matte range - I didn't get them all, but I'm pretty sure all of these are mattes....they're all numbered in the 300s. As I mentioned before, some of the ones they have in the palette are original colors, not new to the matte palette.


Thanks I wanted to know because if I could just get the colors I wanted in a 20 palette instead think of the money saved.


Well-known member
i really need to try out inglot. i want to make an order for some of their shadows next month but still need to work out if i can buy over the web or not!


Staff member
The only online shops are for the US and Australia. Somehow I doubt either would ship to you. Someone would have to do a CP for you, or you'd have to go to the Inglot shop in London. :( I want to try them out, too.


Well-known member
Putting Inglot round shadows into mac palettes

Has anybody tried putting Inglot round shadows into mac palettes? If so what are the pros and cons? Do they fit? Do they stay in? Etc


Well-known member
I am not very impressed... it all seems very glittery

The shine shadows are most like a frost
The AMC is more of a sheen
The DS (Double Sparkle) those are the glittery ones
They have an impressive number of mattes. I happen to love their mattes as they are creamy. I currently have 4 INGLOT 10 pan freedom pallets and 2 of them are completely matte. As you can tell from my signature I'm a certified glitterphobe. It's just a matter of taking a look and picking out the finishes that appeal to you. I think I will be getting 1 more 20 palette of mattes and then I can start to look at their other products.


Well-known member
I also disagree. The eyeshadows I've tried from Inglot are incredibly smooth and creamy, similar to Dior eyeshadows in their buttery texture. The shimmer in the Pearl eyeshadows is very finely milled.