MAC Posh Paradise Discussion


Well-known member
Well, I had managed to reduce my Paint Pot wish list by a couple of colours, but after studying Christine's swatches they have jumped right back on the list - oops!


Well-known member
Well it would sure be nice if they cut the size of the pp in half, if they aren't likely to last long. I know it'll never happen but a girl can dream.

I've never had an issue with MAC shipping. Maybe it's based on location somehow? Idk...I'm in the middle of the country so I'm never really all that close to anything it seems.


Well-known member
A word about shipping, mostly because it's a part of one of my jobs. When I take an order, I put the recipient's address into UPS/FED EX. I put their e-mail into the tracking section so that they're updated as the package comes to them. Once I complete the shipping order, my recipient may receive a tracking number, but you notice that I haven't said anything about boxing anything up, right? I usually create a lot of labels at once because it saves time. I imagine that MAC does this, too. The order comes in and payment is confirmed as is the shipping method, then it goes to the actual shipping department, gets a UPS/FED EX label made - you get a number that you can't track and it makes you nuts - the entire thing goes in a plastic sheet to the pickers in the warehouse, who pick it, box it and send it. The nice people who bring us our black boxes of happiness come to get it and you receive a shipping confirmation (or not, it depends and MAC does it both ways) and days later you get MAC happy when you find your box! It takes awhile for the UPS/FED EX systems to realize that there's a package and their systems won't show progress until the product has been picked up by one of their employees. Even then, it won't show activity until it gets scanned at their facility. After that, you can track it fine, as many of you have noticed. I'm sorry to see your frustration as this community is a source of makeup joy for me. Just remember, a tracking number is a good thing, a shipment confirmation is better, the actual product in your hot little paws is best! You guys are awesome! Happy hunting!:encore:


Well-known member

You two are lucky then. Standard shipping always takes over a week for me, even when no big launches. I am in Washington though, so maybe that is why.


Well-known member
I'm loving how Potent Fig looks.

I also love Half-Wild but I don't think I'd use it much, let alone finish it and then it would go to waste. :(
Still have Deliciously Forbidden and Immortal Gold on my list.

I agree with Piarpreet, I think the polish would look hot as a french tip over a matte black base.


Well-known member
My list is now 5 pp's Treasure Hunt, Pure Creation, Imaginary, Half-Wild, Hyperviolet and 3 Mattenes Fresh Amour, Eden Rouge, Deliciously Forbidden.
I'm also thinking about 3 other Mattenes Naked Bliss, Rare Exotic, Potent Fig. My list really gets to big...


Well-known member
If I get a lipstick at all, it will be Rare Exotic, but I think I need to see comparison swatches first as I have a few hot pink colours already


Well-known member
I hope people give Genuine Treasure a chance. Especially women of color. It's a look that won't appeal to all, but I think it has a beautiful effect on the eye when paired with dark colors. I can see myself using this a lot during the holidays.


Well-known member
Immortal Gold, the nail polish with Goldmine? I don't understand. How do you do it?

Potent Fig is gorgeous! But I'm afraid I'd never wear it.


Well-known member
Immortal Gold, the nail polish with Goldmine? I don't understand. How do you do it?

Potent Fig is gorgeous! But I'm afraid I'd never wear it.
Yikes. When I read it, I was thinking of the gold p/p. My bad. :lol: Now, the polish is amazing to me. I think a color like potent fig would be gorgeous on you. You can use it lightly and see how it goes. I only skipped because I have a couple of colors like that.


Well-known member
Potent Fig and Rare Exotic are quite pretty! I’d still have to see them in person though. Potent Fig has the potential to make my teeth look yellow, plus I'm super pale. Not sure I can pull it off. I do like hot pinks and fuchsias, but I already have several so I may not need Rare Exotic.

Eee! Now I'm excited for my lunch trip tomorrow.


Well-known member
I think a color like potent fig would be gorgeous on you. You can use it lightly and see how it goes. I only skipped because I have a couple of colors like that.
I thought that might be what you meant ;)

Thank you~ Maybe I will try Potent Fig. I have nothing like it.


Well-known member
The only thing I got from this collection is Potent Fig. I don't think I have anything quite like it (closest would be MUFE #14). I hope I get some use out of it, and that it doesn't make me look *too* goth.

Such a gorgeous collection! I'm glad a lot of the lip colours are pretty common, as I could have gone crazy, and ordered so many more. I consider myself lucky that paint pots don't work for me, so I was able to pass on all of them :)