MAC Fashion Sets 2013 Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
What, we must still stalk? I keep hoping for launch but no sleep for the wickid. The longer these foolz wait, the shorter my lists grow. I am hoping Silly is significantly different from Venus, Girl Next Door, Pink Pigeon, and other popular pinks. I am trying to be strong and skip Embrace Me, because if I get another fuchsia lipstick, DH is going to nominate me for a Hoarders or maybe a 12 step program. No, No, No!!!


Well-known member
the card company said I should wait until i dispute before i cancel my card because then i would have to wait longer to dispute if i cancel now and i can't dispute until the charges are posted (it says pending right now) sooo annoying. im scared they might use it again before i cancel :( :( 
Are you able to reverse the charges, and then cancel the card? I agree, that I would think the card needs to be cancelled ASAP to prevent it from being used again. So sorry you are going through this, I know how stressful it is.


Well-known member
What credit card is this? This happened to me and I called, cancelled and never had to pay the money. Got a new card really fast. I am so sorry this happened to you and I hope it gets resolved soon. I had never heard of a credit card company not cancelling a card when the owner says someone else is using it without permission.
it was chase. i called back again and put my card on hold in the meantime. my friend suggested to put it on hold. im surprised the guy helping me didnt suggest that!! like ok yea let the people keep using my card.


Well-known member
Chase!?! Figures. I'm not a fan. I've had issues with them in the past with the same thing. My Discover Card is amazing. They call if something doesn't seem right with the purchases. I still have my Chase visa, but I only use it on certain occassions. Like if some place doesn't accept my Discover Card. Good luck luvydee.

it was chase. i called back again and put my card on hold in the meantime. my friend suggested to put it on hold. im surprised the guy helping me didnt suggest that!! like ok yea let the people keep using my card.


Well-known member


Well-known member
What credit card is this? This happened to me and I called, cancelled and never had to pay the money. Got a new card really fast. I am so sorry this happened to you and I hope it gets resolved soon. I had never heard of a credit card company not cancelling a card when the owner says someone else is using it without permission.
exactly! im shocked at that! once i had a questionable charge and they shut down my card just bc i THOUGHT it was a questionable charge even though i found out it wasn't.


Well-known member
it was chase. i called back again and put my card on hold in the meantime. my friend suggested to put it on hold. im surprised the guy helping me didnt suggest that!! like ok yea let the people keep using my card.
maybe you should call the lost/stolen people or ask to speak to a supervisor! that's your money and what happens if they don't want to refund you bc you didn't report it immediately or something?


Well-known member
Ok what link are you all talking about bc i dont see it? I even typed in heroine on the mac website and nothing came up........ Am I missing something?


Well-known member
Ok what link are you all talking about bc i dont see it? I even typed in heroine on the mac website and nothing came up........ Am I missing something?
The link posted above was in a comment from yesterday, but you can only see the products if you're a Pro member. If you're not, it shows up without the listings beneath it.


Well-known member
it was chase. i called back again and put my card on hold in the meantime. my friend suggested to put it on hold. im surprised the guy helping me didnt suggest that!! like ok yea let the people keep using my card.
I'm glad you did that. It wouldn't make any sense to just leave it out there for future use!


Well-known member
The link for the collection has been up for the regulars since yesterday.
Lols, but true.
it was chase.  i called back again and put my card on hold in the meantime. my friend suggested to put it on hold. im surprised the guy helping me didnt suggest that!! like ok yea let the people keep using my card.
Sorry about your card getting stolen. Are you physically missing your card or did they just steal the information from it?

Miss M Monroe

Well-known member
the card company said I should wait until i dispute before i cancel my card because then i would have to wait longer to dispute if i cancel now and i can't dispute until the charges are posted (it says pending right now) sooo annoying. im scared they might use it again before i cancel :( :( 
Oh no no no cancel that thing is that cc company crazy I know when this happened to me they cancelled faster than a speeding granny forget that that gives whoever it was more time to use the card I'm do sorry this happened to you