MAC Baking Beauties Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
I have LW from the first release and love it. I think its melting though :-/ lmao
I remember when it first came out I was still in HS lol and thats when I first learned of MAC, told myself I was gonna get that lipstick, now Im unsure if I even want it, but who am I kidding I might go ahead and get it because I dont want to have buyers remorse later!!! lol


Well-known member
I remember when it first came out I was still in HS lol and thats when I first learned of MAC, told myself I was gonna get that lipstick, now Im unsure if I even want it, but who am I kidding I might go ahead and get it because I dont want to have buyers remorse later!!! lol 
Ok damn i feel old!! I graduated HS in '04 but learned about mac around '08 lol. I didnt wear makeup til that year (22-23 years old) lol But yes GET IT or you may REGRET IT lol


Well-known member
Looks like my store's got the collection in. I received a text from my SA earlier to confirm what I wanted.


Well-known member
Me too....I am so impatient and cannot wait!!!
I like Liba's comment on how Fancy Frosting brings out the Extra Dimensional Eye Shadows. So, how different or how similar are MAC Fancy Frosting Paint Pot and Maybelline Color Tattoo Too Cool? I have Too Cool, but if Fancy Frosting is kinda sheer and creamy, it might be good to have, too...


Well-known member
Raspberry Swirl swatches need to surface. I wanna see this bad girl in action! It'll be kind of interesting if we really have to end up buying without seeing it swatched at all.


Well-known member
I need to see a swatch of Raspberry Swirl to see if I still want it. I'm skipping Pure Decoration l/s since I have Playing Koi l/s and not getting a BU of Lavender Whip l/s.


Well-known member
I need to see a swatch of Raspberry Swirl to see if I still want it. I'm skipping Pure Decoration l/s since I have Playing Koi l/s and not getting a BU of Lavender Whip l/s.
It's amazing that we have yet to see 1 swatch of Raspberry Swirl. We've now seen swatches of all except that one. It's probably the bombdotcom.


Well-known member
I'm really disappointed that LW looks totally different. I doubt I'll be getting it. That was the only lipstick on my list. :(


Well-known member
Hehehe Thats right!!!!! As it gets sooner to launch date your gonna cave and add it to the cart just like me!!! 
I've already caved lol and changed my mind . I am going to get it anywys lol even if its not the same! I like the look of the old one but this new one looks more wearable for my skintone . I think I might end up getting the pink MLB too cuz I like them so much and just in case they don't continue to make them ;) but well see! lol

Seven Of Nine

Well-known member
I saw on Temptalia pictures of Lawender Whip and LW is more pink than this of 2008, which was more lavender. Current reminds me of Pink Popcorn. Too bad, because I liked version 2008 - more purple.


Well-known member
Jeeeez. I don't know if I want LW anymore :( I was so excited for it and now I'm just meh about it. Still waiting on swatches of RS but for now my list is: Raspberry Swirl Pure Decoration In For a Treat - pending. have to see it in person. Lavender Whip - pending. have to see/try in person as well.


Well-known member
I'm glad I have a BU of the original LW, because I'm liking that one a lot more. I hope we'll see swatches of RS soon, because Liba made it sound beautiful!


Well-known member
So, I asked Temptalia if she would be swatching RS, and she says she doesn't have it. :(
She also needs to wait for the online launch. She was able to swatch LW and DF, because those were send by PR. If she had gotten RS from PR too it would have been in the sneak peek post.