MAC Nudes & Metallics Collection (April 2013) Pro Store Only


Well-known member

A Perfect Day, Nearly Nude, Wholesome, Brave New Bronze, VG Gaga II, Peachstock

Love's Lure, Crimson Tryst, Brazenly

Bare Minimum, Glimpse of Flesh, Body Conscious, Exposed

I took my pictures indoor with flash. I wanted to take them outside too but it was a little overcast today and the pictures weren't coming out well at all. Hope these help someone!
Very nice. Love brazenly and nearly nude. I bought almost the whole collection except for 3 of the lipsticks. I should receive it sometime next week,can't wait!


Well-known member
A Perfect Day, Nearly Nude, Wholesome, Brave New Bronze, VG Gaga II, Peachstock Love's Lure, Crimson Tryst, Brazenly Bare Minimum, Glimpse of Flesh, Body Conscious, Exposed I took my pictures indoor with flash.  I wanted to take them outside too but it was a little overcast today and the pictures weren't coming out well at all.  Hope these help someone!
Very helpful! Thank you for the swatches.


Well-known member
Show All looks very nice on you, BeautyBeautyBunni!

These metallics lippies do really have an awesome sheen

A Perfect Day, Nearly Nude, Wholesome, Brave New Bronze, VG Gaga II, Peachstock

Love's Lure, Crimson Tryst, Brazenly

Bare Minimum, Glimpse of Flesh, Body Conscious, Exposed

I took my pictures indoor with flash. I wanted to take them outside too but it was a little overcast today and the pictures weren't coming out well at all. Hope these help someone!


Well-known member
I used the e/s today. I have on Bare Minimum under the brow, Exposed in the crease, Crimson Tryst on the lid and Brazenly in the outer corner.

I have Small Vanity blush w/Petticoat MSF on my cheeks. MAC Most Popular for lips.

If I had to pick just one I'd say Crimson Tryst is my favorite. I have nothing like it in my collection and my collection is HUGE.



Well-known member
I love lure, crimson tryst similar to colors like cranberry, antiqued, mythical, spectacle of yourself, and etc....
Your sentence kind of confuses me lol. Are you responding to my comment about CT being unique to my collection? I find CT & LL darker, richer, smoother & more pigmented than other similar shadows I have. CT also just has that "something special" lol if that makes sense.


Well-known member
I used the e/s today.  I have on Bare Minimum under the brow, Exposed in the crease, Crimson Tryst on the lid and Brazenly in the outer corner. I have Small Vanity blush w/Petticoat MSF on my cheeks.  MAC Most Popular for lips. If I had to pick just one I'd say Crimson Tryst is my favorite.  I have nothing like it in my collection and my collection is HUGE.
My MAC guy said the same thing. He said there's nothing like CT made by MAC. It looks gorgeous on you...


Well-known member
STUNNING, Spikesmom!!! Soooo pretty

I used the e/s today. I have on Bare Minimum under the brow, Exposed in the crease, Crimson Tryst on the lid and Brazenly in the outer corner.

I have Small Vanity blush w/Petticoat MSF on my cheeks. MAC Most Popular for lips.

If I had to pick just one I'd say Crimson Tryst is my favorite. I have nothing like it in my collection and my collection is HUGE.



Well-known member
Pretty!!! I put crimson tryst down in store but I may need to give it another go
I used the e/s today. I have on Bare Minimum under the brow, Exposed in the crease, Crimson Tryst on the lid and Brazenly in the outer corner.

I have Small Vanity blush w/Petticoat MSF on my cheeks. MAC Most Popular for lips.

If I had to pick just one I'd say Crimson Tryst is my favorite. I have nothing like it in my collection and my collection is HUGE.



Well-known member
After a long night of working on a term paper I was surprised with my package I ordered from N&M! I ordered Show-All, Pre-Ralphaelite, and Stylish Me. Everything is so pretty. I got excited and took a quick pic of Show-All on me. Sorry for the tired face, I pulled an all nighter lol


Well-known member
I love lure, crimson tryst similar to colors like cranberry, antiqued, mythical, spectacle of yourself, and etc....
I am having computer issues, so my sentence was chopped up. But I was asking if love lure and crimson tryst are similar to colors like cranberry, antiqued, mythical, and spectacle of yourself....

I went to go see these in person, and half the display was gone, but the nude lippies were nice. I decided to pass for now.