MAC Alluring Aquatic Collection (May 22, 2014)


Well-known member

I am worried!

are we the oldest in this gang?

I will be 35 this month.


Well-known member
Im so excited! It's supposed to be really bad weather here tomorrow too so it'll make it a better day lol
i know girl .. but i don't even care cause i get my stuff tomorrow and i get to see everyones pretty faces with pretty swatches! SCREW YOU NYC YOU CANT RAIN ON MY PARADE! LOL


Well-known member
Well I didn't order anything online today. This collection is being released in store here in Jamaica in a couple days, so I decided to wait till I could see the products in person. Sadly there were no WOC swatches I could find online. Most beauty bloggers who are sent testers are so fair/lighter in color, it's hard to extrapolate how certain shades will look on my dark skin. My MUA at Mac let me swatch the beauty powders, blushes, lipsticks and the lipglosses. I am very glad I got to do so, cause I was able to rule out a number of products.

Golden, AS are a no go on my NW58 skin - looked ashy.
Delphic totally disappeared on my skin.
SMHM - I WILL be getting this blush, very pretty!
SAS - pretty but not pretty enough for my to spend my $
Siren Song - too ashy, will have me looking like Pookie on the corner trying to score a fix. LOL
Pet Me Please - very pretty, but I don't do frosts
Enchanted One - beautiful Nude (love)
Mystical - reminds me of many lipticks from MAC's permanent line, Idk just didnt look special.
GOS -beautiful (but I admit I am partial to purples)
Clearwater - a glitter explosion. No bueno
Water Deities - very pretty! (definite purchase)
Modern Lure - gorgeous
Sea Worship - absolutely GORG and it will be mine! The other shadows didnt peak my interest for some reason.
thanks for the post.. i will defiantly keep this in mind!

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
Okay so when did this launch? I checked before leaving for work and nothing was up. I checked on the ride to work as well. Nothing. I can't check through 1559 new posts. Just can't. I just had the day from H E double Hockey Sticks so I couldn't check during the day. I can't believe all the shadows are sold out. That was the main thing I wanted. Now I think I should just wait for Nordies. I didn't want to wait for Nordies because they take forever to ship. I like Mac's overnight shipping. It would have been so fun to have the products tomorrow and have the weekend to play with them. There are some things still available but I have a feeling I will end up buying more if I split up the orders. This has happened before. I still like all the glosses though. So maybe . . . I think I had decided to skip the brush for now. But now that it is still available, it is just staring at me.

So Nordies is launching the 19th? And Mac stores the 22nd? Please confirm. Is the 19th for Nordies for online or in store as well I know it has been asked a million times but I can't keep it straight.
i want to know too lol, i bought what was left over but i need the ed stuff too!


Well-known member
Congratulations to you!! Party! I'm on a cell with no smileys but I'll send tons tomorrow with haha
HA! :lol: Can you send me a Guerlain smell a gram! I do love those smileys. Thank you SO much - you have been such a kind friend & made me laugh endlessly.
I love [@=/u/36643/elegant-one]@elegant-one[/@] and [@=/u/63269/HerGreyness]@HerGreyness[/@]! They make this forum so fun and classy! Like I said before you need a blog! Love reading everything you write! Congrats on 20,000+ posts [@=/u/36643/elegant-one]@elegant-one[/@]! Here's to 20,000 more! :D
Thanks doll! I prolly can do 20,000!  Its all about having fun & enjoying life no matter what we're going through daily! Can't believe I am still going strong without any sleep
You are an awesome friend. I have so much fun with you ladies. I seriously end up laughing to loud and waking my baby at least twice a day lol A guerlain smell a gram would be amazing if i could send the sun celebration smell but you know I'd have to send you stinky balls. Tons of them. Double the balls, double the stink, double the fun! Hahaha