MAC x Pedro Lourenço (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
For those of you who didn't see my YouTube video, here are swatches of the goodies I got from this collection. (and layered, too!) You can always see the live swatches on my video (link in signature) if you want to see how they apply and compare to other shades.  :party2: Here's Roxo (alone) Here's Mirror (the silver lipglass) Everyone looked wicked on you Hun ️ You rock it well x sweet Here's Gold Mirror (gold lipglass)  Here's Roxo with Mirror Lipglass overlayed Here's Roxo with Gold Mirror Lipglass overlayed.  Some have said that the lipglasses are very opaque and full coverage, but I didn't find that to be necessarily true. Clearly they layered over Roxo just fine without masking the color. I think it depends on just how much you build it up. I don't like a ton of goopy lipglass so I applied these...not really lightly, but a normal amount I think!  Loved everything I got in this collection! 


Not to be an enabler, but it is seriously hard to find a good silver and gold gloss. I knew I was getting them right away. Didn't even feel guilty either dammit! Girl's got needs.


Well-known member
Gorgeous ladies! You're really making me want this quad. Hopefully I can hold out until it maybe lands at a CCO.

This sucks for everyone with the glosses but I'm glad MAC is fixing it. Honestly I think they noticed before people received the mix up because the glosses went to coming soon before sold out but maybe they had already shipped out some of them. Hopefully it's not as widespread an issue as the Proenza problem. And @Mac-Guy are you psychic or something? haha.

Sort of... hehehe.


Well-known member
Mac-Guy is our makeup Sage! He should be listened to!


Well-known member
I have the quad due Wednesday I don't know why I bother ordering from the USA as I never get my coll any quicker lol But sometimes when uk don't do it it's brill lol x


Well-known member
For those of you who didn't see my YouTube video, here are swatches of the goodies I got from this collection. (and layered, too!) You can always see the live swatches on my video (link in signature) if you want to see how they apply and compare to other shades.

Here's Roxo (alone)

Here's Mirror (the silver lipglass)

Here's Gold Mirror (gold lipglass)

Here's Roxo with Mirror Lipglass overlayed

Here's Roxo with Gold Mirror Lipglass overlayed.

Some have said that the lipglasses are very opaque and full coverage, but I didn't find that to be necessarily true. Clearly they layered over Roxo just fine without masking the color. I think it depends on just how much you build it up. I don't like a ton of goopy lipglass so I applied these...not really lightly, but a normal amount I think!

Loved everything I got in this collection!
Gorgeous swatches,
Mandy !


Well-known member
I will have to duck rotten fruit being thrown @me for this comment but I'll say it again: maybe she needs to clean her brushes or get new ones. Or maybe MAC is still butthurt about the whole evil eye quad still and giving her all cheek products coated with some hardening agent just to fff with her???
I commented on her blog on three different occasions asking politely whether she uses a clean brush for every new swatch. Well, my comments were never released by her. :)

MAC should send her a brush cleanser. O.k. that was mean. But it's the truth.


Well-known member
For those of you who didn't see my YouTube video, here are swatches of the goodies I got from this collection. (and layered, too!) You can always see the live swatches on my video (link in signature) if you want to see how they apply and compare to other shades.  :party2: Here's Roxo (alone) Here's Mirror (the silver lipglass) Here's Gold Mirror (gold lipglass)  Here's Roxo with Mirror Lipglass overlayed Here's Roxo with Gold Mirror Lipglass overlayed.  Some have said that the lipglasses are very opaque and full coverage, but I didn't find that to be necessarily true. Clearly they layered over Roxo just fine without masking the color. I think it depends on just how much you build it up. I don't like a ton of goopy lipglass so I applied these...not really lightly, but a normal amount I think!  Loved everything I got in this collection! 


Well-known member
I played with my goodies this morning. My thoughts.

The quad - I thought that I had removed this from my cart before ordering. It was in my black box, and I paid for it so obviously I didn't. Thankfully. Love this quad. Yes I know about the perm products and so on. This is the first MAC quad in a long time where I can do a whole eye look with just this quad. I usually have to dig around in my stash to for random shades to supplement a quad, or I can only use a couple of colors from a quad at a time. The colors in this quad coordinate very well. I did a look using all of the shades in the quad and only the shades in this quad. Great neutral look.

Blush - No problems getting pigment at all. A while back I "bit the bullet" and invested in some high quality brushes. It was very $$ painful at the time, but I have never regretted it. Great brushes make all of the difference. I had no problems with this product. No scraping needed. Now I just need to asses wear time, but so far so good.

True Red- Love this color! Like a creamy SI, which is one of my HG reds. Love it!

Gold gloss - Since I now have 2 of these (LOL) I thought that I should try it. I should have 2 of the silver, but we all know why I don't. Stupid MAC online. I layered it over TR, and thankfully I like it a lot. I put it on lightly, so TR does show through. I haven't tried a heavy application yet.

So far of all the products that I tried, I like all of them. Not a dud in the bunch.


Well-known member
 Because I'm a MAC fortune teller!
so funny! Is this what Mac has become? A bunch of errors every collection? Bad enough it sells out fast but now you don't even know which limited item you'll get lol
Mirror and Gold Mirror LG. I love the combo of pearl and sparkle.
I didn't care for the pearl but I skipped. Dazzle glasses are more my speed.
Here are my swatches :heart:
Your lips totally tell me what you think about each lol
For those of you who didn't see my YouTube video, here are swatches of the goodies I got from this collection. (and layered, too!) You can always see the live swatches on my video (link in signature) if you want to see how they apply and compare to other shades.  :party2: Here's Roxo (alone) Here's Mirror (the silver lipglass) Here's Gold Mirror (gold lipglass)  Here's Roxo with Mirror Lipglass overlayed Here's Roxo with Gold Mirror Lipglass overlayed.  Some have said that the lipglasses are very opaque and full coverage, but I didn't find that to be necessarily true. Clearly they layered over Roxo just fine without masking the color. I think it depends on just how much you build it up. I don't like a ton of goopy lipglass so I applied these...not really lightly, but a normal amount I think!  Loved everything I got in this collection! 
you look great in them all wow