MAC X Ellie Goulding (Dec 14 / 17, 2015)


Well-known member
The packaging is pretty but I feel good on skipping everything. The plushglasses are something I would wear but the price is too much for lipgloss for me lol...the lipsticks are just blah.
ITA. I would have bought a translucent pressed powder in the shiny black compact lol


Well-known member
Plushglass is an amazing formula. It is a little more sheer than the lipglass but super hydrating and wears great!


Well-known member
I wonder why they would have a palette of ccb's and not blushes?

Are they selling brushes? J/w b/c I saw some for on sale on ebay for this collex. LOL


Well-known member
Honestly, I wanted one of the lipsticks and definitely that pretty peach gloss, but they are both boring colors and now I'm mostly just interested in picking up the blush/bronzer duo for sure.