My Daily Food Journal / Log


Well-known member
1. Breakfast - One egg 78 calories , salt and pepper ,Nutri - Grain Bar Lemon crumb cake with poppy seeds 160 calories

Lunch -
Smart ones Mexican cheesey rice and beans 260 calories
Snacks - Some Snack Artist Cheese Nacho chips 140 calories , String cheese stick 80 calories

- Filet Mignon steak 6 ounce , Garlic butter , Loaded baked potato casserole , creamed spinach with parmesean cheese , roll of a french baugette, Slice small slice of lemon cream cake

Drinks - Diet 7up 0 calories , Floridas natural lemonade 110 calories not even a cup just a shot / taste , Diet Sunkist , Diet Coke

With the holidays and everything I have been eating like everything fast food , junk food , I havent been watching what I'am eating lately so I probably gained the weight that I lost back so I'am back to starting dieting again or at least healthier better eating habits as best as I can during the holiday season.

2. Breakfast - Slice of lemon cream cake I know I shouldnt of ate it but I was hungry , Coca Cola with sugar not diet 200 calorie soda

Lunch - Black pepper salmon power bowl with green beans , some red peppers , quinaoa or however you spell it lol, diet 7up drink

Honey bbq fritos 160 calories

Dinner - Seasoned turkey , lobster mac and cheese , loaded baked potato casserole , creamed spinach , green bean casserole ,garlic butter ,lemon cream cake , diet 7 up drink
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