Your worst date...


Well-known member
I always love these kinda stories :D I was reminded of mine today. Mine would have to be the time when my date threw up on me. I'm not kidding. Went to a fair, he got sick on the rides... At the very top of that one ride that flips you around and around and around, too, of course. Ew.


Well-known member
Mine really wasn't bad in comparison.
First date with my current bf. Realised not long into the date that it was that time of the month and I was not prepared. Tried to get away from my date with a 'why don't you just hang around at the electronics department of this store and I'll be back!'. He refused to let me run off until he knew where I was going and why. Very awkward. On the bright side, he became very understanding and never mentioned it again, also volunteered to come along with me to the shop. That's when I knew he was a keeper


Well-known member
Well,, first date took me to this restaurant and after we went out for a couple of drinks and after he dropped me off he kissed me and I just said thank you a good night. And first date said, that's it?. I was hoping for a little Instant Gratification...First Date turned into Last Date and I could NOT get out of that car fast enough! He later called to say I misunderstood him! Ummm, how?


Well-known member
How about a first date where he uses a buy one meal get one free coupon. he was into me too and wanted to keep seeing me. I went out with him a few times after and he still used o.....

I ended up being the one to chose to end seeing each other after like 4th date. He got no action though...I had even mention coupons to him. I guess some people don't see it as a big deal..but I do..


Worst date thread, I love this idea! The worst date I ever had was not long after I had gotten out of a long term relationship at the time. The guy in question was 13 years older than me. He spent the entire meal (which was horrible by the way) talking about HIMSELF. I spent the entire meal on my Blackberry on Facebook and texting. You would think after 10 minutes of me doing this, he would've asked what was wrong, but instead he just kept going on and on about how great he was, how he was a tennis pro, etc. When it was finally time to go, he asked for a kiss goodbye. I seriously had some garlic breath going on because I ate a Caesar salad during the meal so I kissed him without hesitation. I thought it was a sure fire way that I'd never hear from him worked, haha!


Well-known member
I think I may actually have some topped,when i was 19 i met this guy online through facebook who was a volunteer firefighter (should have been a red flag there, facebook not firefighter)anyways we always talked about meeting up but never went through with it. So one day he brought up the idea of a double date which i was much more comfortable with,so i brought along my best friend and he brought along his. We ended up going to a casino for dinner then back to his house for a bon fire. We were all having a great time. And we were flirting like crazy, a few playful nudges and shoves here and there. Out of no where this guy and i kid you not pours gasoline over my head while i was standing right next to the damn fire and him and his buddy began laughing and throwing out "what if" about being caught on fire. I immediatly ran into my car with my friend drove off and called my brother who is a cop. Lets just say he is no longer "volunteering" and i no longer go on dates with men i meet online


Staff member
Gosh, I have a few that were crackups, 2 that come to mind (from many years ago)...

I met this cute guy at a bar, he asked me out, I accepted.
He comes to pick me up in the beater mobile.
We go to a sports bar. He says, I have $6, so whatever we can get with that.
HUH? $6? Seriously? I told him I didn't have any money on me. What did he think, I would foot the bill? (keep in mind this was probably in the 80's, when guys did generally pay the bill)
We left after our $6 was spent, it started raining, he had to put fresh paper towels on the broken windshield wipers.
Needless to say, it was our first & last date. LOL
He really was cute tho. =)

Funny #2
Got set up with a friends brother-in-law.
Very handsome guy
We go out, I think I was maybe 20 ish and he was prob. 23 or so.
Went to his parents house. He starts showing me all of his old photo albums (are you 12 or 23 dude?)
I was trying to act interested. We had nothing in common. Zilch, Nada.
I think he actually used more hairspray then I do. Very prissy kinda guy. Don't mess up his hair!
Anyhow, after a very boring evening, he brought me home, walked me to the door and gave the most disgusting totally open mouth kiss I've ever had.
It was as if he opened his mouth as big as he could and came in for a landing on mine. Eww eww eww.
I went in the house and went right to the sink and washed my face. I was almost gagging from the thoughts of what he had done. LMAO!
Poor guy didn't have a clue how nasty that was. His breath wasn't bad or anything, just the big open mouth thing was so gross.


Well-known member
Worst date thread, I love this idea! The worst date I ever had was not long after I had gotten out of a long term relationship at the time. The guy in question was 13 years older than me. He spent the entire meal (which was horrible by the way) talking about HIMSELF. I spent the entire meal on my Blackberry on Facebook and texting. You would think after 10 minutes of me doing this, he would've asked what was wrong, but instead he just kept going on and on about how great he was, how he was a tennis pro, etc. When it was finally time to go, he asked for a kiss goodbye. I seriously had some garlic breath going on because I ate a Caesar salad during the meal so I kissed him without hesitation. I thought it was a sure fire way that I'd never hear from him worked, haha!
Sounds like a nightmare!
I don't remember my worst dates... I think I've put them in the dark corners of my mind. :D


Well-known member
I decided to try out OkCupid. Met a guy and we got along really well saving him being extremely pro black. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with pride but everything was a debate about blackness to him. Anyway, So, we decide we'll go see Hangover 3 and get lunch. I wanted Boston Market and he wanted Mexican. So, instead of telling me this he waits till I order my food. Goes to get his own food and then proceeds to come eat in front of me and tell me all about his pirated music and movies on his kindle. About how he hasn't and wont pay for anything that's media that he owns. All while I'm eating. He asked me to listen to a band I had never heard of and to top everything off before we even got there the last conversation we had was centered around sex. Basically, he says he's curious about me sexually because I'm a feminist. The nail in the coffin was telling me If he was looking for a wife right now, I'd be it.But he wasn't at the time and wanted to know if I'd be okay just having sex with him.


Well-known member
I have had a lot of them its hard to pick just one story.Well if I have to pay for Dinner that usually sucks for me and irritates me even though sometimes I reach for my purse I'am not trying to pay lol.Well I had this guy ask what I wanted to do for my Birthday and he asked if I wanted to go out and I said yes or sure or okay something along those lines anyways my birthday came and he called me and said I wanted to leave you a voicemail but to his surprise I picked up and all he did was wish me a happy b day no gift no outing nothing lol.I didnt even get to do anything because my whole birthday was planned around that guy so it really sucked but this isnt really a date story since he stood me up kinda lol then out of no where he gave me candy I'am like wtf candy dude must of forgot I spent big bucks on his birthday gift last year made him a card and everything I was beyond pissed lol.It was by far the worst b day I ever had I went around a week before telling everyone that I had plans for my b day and felt so terrible when he bailed on me it was embarassing I spent my b day drinking and trying to forget about it.I could tell everyone felt really bad for me.I bought him roses before because he mentioned how he would love it if a girl bought him flowers and I did for his b day meanwhile he never bought me flowers lol talk about bullshit.I mean not even like a shitty flower nothing .He said he didnt like me like months after I bought him these gigantic flowers I felt terrible it was like a huge discussion.He ignored me for 3 months after I bought him the gift lol great guy.

As far as worst date / hangout with a guy I went out with this one guy I really really liked and I payed for dessert and dinner not only that we sat in the car of his for hours just doing nothing but talking but the conversation went terrible he mentioned some girl from high school he said she was cute what was her last name and he kept like talking about her it irritated me til no end her name still pops up in my head even now to this day it haunts me.I was soo into him and when he was talking about other girls after I just paid for his dinner I wanted to take my drink and pour it over his head.He also mentioned some friend of his cock blocking him back at some party years ago I was like dude did you forget I have a vagina and boobs he was acting as if I was a guy friend of his when I couldnt be more girly / feminine / female lol.Well I guess at some point he realized I was a girl because he was playing with my halloween costume hat and grazed my left boob with his knuckle / hand.At the end there was an ackward goodbye hug I thought it was the most ackward uncomfortable outing of my existance thus far.The day of I called him to ask when he was picking me up and stuff and he didnt respond to me all day until like night time he said oh yeah do you wanna go out after I waited all day for his response he decided yeah maybe I should call her like an hour before .

By far ladies I have the worst stories about men u dont even wanna know.

I think my stories are the worst I have had the worst experiences by far I win worst date ladies lol.


Well-known member
I actually have 2!
Both from this year actually LOL.

Both are fail POF first dates.. Im so glad my current BF and I have actually known each other for a very long time. These awkward first meetings were actually making me give up on dating all together.

1. This guy and I were talking for about a week or so, we finally decided to go out on a sunday after I worked. I said I might be a little bit late ( we were meeting up ) because I wanted to nap first. ( my shift started at 7am let me sleep LOL ) so I was 5 mins late he actually made me pay for the date.. which was okay I guess we did have a lot in common we talked, got to know each other and what not. He wants to continue talking in my car, the date turns into a makeout session... which he wanted to go further. Im like dude... this is the first date.. NO! Those should have been signs that this was never going to work but stupid me I let him take me out on a second date.. we went to a park.. He didnt even offer to take me out for lunch or anything. He again just wanted to make out.. we didnt really talk,he ignored me for a few days after and texted me to say we had no chemistry and would be better off as friends. Yeah did not happen. I actually called him a bad kisser.

2. POF guy number 2. Movie date.. I was never a fan of going to the movies on a first date because you cant really talk to the person. But im glad this one was just a movie date. He met me at the theatre. we'd been talking for a month or so. He didnt have a car so that was fine we met at the theatre. he didnt look anything like his pic. he bought the tickets, I bought the popcorn... I offered to buy him his own popcorn but he said no.. dude ended up taking 80% of my popcorn and I had barely eaten that day =\ he also very awkwardly put his arm around me half way through the movie It was actually uncomfortable =| His laugh.. was just annoying.. I actually would compared it to marge simpson LOL.. when a guys laugh annoys you that much.. I mean then you know this is never gonna work. He asked me for a ride home.. I ended up driving him to the bus stop.... the guy was so awkward! he tried to hug me and I ended up almost punching him in the face. so yeah.. no second date.. he tried to text me a few times after that but I ended up just ignoring him.


Well-known member
Uhm?! Wtf?! How could they have been laughing about you possibly catching fire?! That is just straight out insane!


Well-known member
My worst date was when I agreed to hangout with a guy I knew for a week. I had met him at my cousins wedding, he was my cousins bf's older brother. He picked me up at my house, and not even 5 mins of being in the car with him I knew I was going to hate the date. The dude was awkwardly quiet, I kept having to bring topics up, ask questions, and ramble on about nothing so that it wouldn't be quiet. Even worse, he couldn't keep a conversation going. We ended up awkwardly walking around downtown Disney for 20 mins before he suggested watching a movie. Thank god! He dropped me off afterwards and mentioned if I wanted to go to a wedding the following weekend. Needless to say, I ignored him texts and calls after that. The dude texted me for the course of a year. Never once did I reply.