he wanted a little Instant Gratification.....


Well-known member
Well,, first date took me to this restaurant and after we went out for a couple of drinks and after he dropped me off he kissed me and I just said thank you a good night. And first date said, that's it?. I was hoping for a little Instant Gratification...First Date turned into Last Date and I could NOT get out of that car fast enough! He later called to say I misunderstood him! Ummm, how?


Well-known member
LOL! Misunderstood him. If he did mean anything else he sure worded it something awful. >.<


Well-known member
l meant to post this under worst date section! Anyways, yeah he was total lemon!


Well-known member
awww girl..I've been in that situation a lot.
The guys who stay around because you don't give it up right away are the ones worthy of you!! It sometimes feel like I date loser after loser than are similar to that guy. but I guess he is a man afterall and was honest ..of course they all wish for some instant gratification it seems...if he is still trying to date you and make effort then maybe he is still worthy? I don't know...just my 2 cents


Well-known member
I saw you posted in on the Northeast shopping trip.syr/rochester. I'm in Syracuse....!!! cool!! haha let's be friends...