What did/are you getting your SO for the holidays?


i'm in a girl/girl relationship. so picking out presents is really easy this year. i was recently laid off from my job so she didn't want me to spend over 50$.
I got her candles, 2 pairs of nice boxers, a book she wanted, lush products, mascara, and some goat milk cream. It was hard finding good things for 50$, but i think i did a good job!

i know shes going to get me amazing presents though,.. so of course i feel bad about mine...


Well-known member
^all those gifts sound lovely... but the biggest gift is the love you show your SO.

I know this for a fact, I lost my husband this year -- and nothing in the world will ever replace him.. I would give anything to have him back if I could


Well-known member
I'm not getting my boyfriend anything this year. We aren't exchanging gifts for Christmas. However, he will be buying me a birthday gift (my bday is 3 days after xmas).


Well-known member
My boyfriend actually complains about me never doing anything sweet for him so I decided to surprise him with 12 presents for the 12 days of christmas! I got him just small gifts that I know he would love (gummy bears, movie tickets, etc) and so far he seems to be loving it all. For the last gift on christmas, I decided to make him an email address filled with pictures and videos of all of our dogs. We lost one of our dogs a couple of years ago and he mentioned that he missed our puppy so I thought it would be a cute gift


Well-known member
My S/O gets wine and dark chocolate. He does not like fragrance or any of the manly gifts. I tried gifting him after-shaves years ago the last unused bottle I keep in the bathroom as a silent reminder.