Have you been cheated on?


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I wish I could post 2 polls on one thread! Anyways, considering the topic about "all men cheat"..

Have you been cheated on by your (past/present) man?


Well-known member
Funny enough I have dated quite a number of men and I have never been cheated on and I am a pretty suspicious/nosey person so i think I would find out so i guess the answer is no


Well-known member
I haven't dated a lot of guys, but my last ex did cheat.
I think it'll be interesting to see the poll results, but even though it's happened to me, I still definitely don't believe that all men cheat.


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Yes I have...Once...And it was his last opportunity he received to do such a thing to me... He was tossed like old garbage....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
Yes I have...Once...And it was his last opportunity he received to do such a thing to me... He was tossed like old garbage....



Well-known member
ooo, i have a good story about this, which is why now i'm totally uncomfortable with long distance relationships and guys who rush relationships. obviously, as soon as i found out, he was totally gone, but it was this beautiful fiasco featuring myspace, myself, his ex-girlfriend, his cute neighbor, an under-aged girl from across the country, his best friend's little sister, and his under-aged cousin. needless to say, he got caught by all of us, and unfortunately, one of the girls was dumb enough to stick with him. the rest of us, however, after the choice words to eachother, kind of all became friends. totally weird. none of us have seen or heard from him since. oh, and last thing... turns out during all of this, he was "accidentally" still married to his first wife. loser!!!


Well-known member
^ he slept with his cousin?? WTF????????

I have been cheated on, and ive cheated as well (only make out with other guys, not slept with any) I am a firm believer that when you find the one you are supposed to be with, you wont want to cheat. I know it sounds weird but once a cheater, always a cheater doesnt seem true to me! Maybe Ive just overly optimistic haha


Well-known member
i've never been cheated on but i've only really had 2 serious relationships one with my now husband and one with a guy who was no good for me and use to get in rages with me, but that said he never cheated.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
A relationship with a girl. Nothing was really defined, but there was definitely some level of commitment that didn't allow for sleeping with other people.


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I'm pretty sure I was. I did some spying on AIM and made an alias and talked to the girl. So I am pretty sure I was played like an old game.


Well-known member
even though he never admitted i KNEW he did something with this one girl i never asked cause i could already tell when i looked at those two. glad he's done with what a waste of human space for that A-hole!


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Yup, I had a boyfriend a few years ago that I thought was cheating on me while he was down in San Antonio for 6 weeks with the air force. After he was home for a while, one day he came over after a night shift and fell asleep on my couch. A little while later his phone starting ringing, so I went to silence it so it didn't wake him up. It was a call from a girl I didn't recognize. After it stopped I got really nosy and looked at the pictures on his phone. It was Sept 9th, there were photos dated the 3rd with him and some blonde girl (I'm a brunette). At first it was just the two of them at a picnic, then its them making out. I was so angry I was shaking. So I woke him up and threw him out. Flash forward to now and we've been friends for a while, he's still apologizes for what he did to me, but we both know what we won't be getting back together ever.


Well-known member
oh and I dated a guy who I'm pretty sure he cheated, he still maintains he didn't. but he has this thing where if he just doesn't tell you something, its not the same thing as lying. but he and i dated for 1 1/2 years before he broke up with me and I kid you not, this is what he said: that he wanted to marry me some day, but wanted to sleep with other girls first. yeah wow, what a winner. and less than a week after that I found out he was sleeping with his manager from work. *sigh*

The guy I've been with lately would never cheat on me, I'm sure of that. Even though we're going through a rough patch, I have confidence he's the one for me


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and I hope I never am. But, I have faith the relationships I do have are strong enough and that's why there is no need to cheat. I never understood cheating on someone. To me that just means the feelings really aren't there or as strong.


Well-known member
No, at least not to my knowledge. There were a few guys who I wouldn't be surprised, but it doesn't really matter to me, if I found out now that they had I wouldn't be mad.
Oh, and I forgot to say that I'm pretty positive my current boyfriend would never do that to me.