Shaving down there


Well-known member
Oh, and it hurt like a mother when it started growing back in developing beautiful ingrowns. : )


I don't know for sure what my fiance likes (he says it's all great) but I personally like to be completely shaved.

Well-known member
I'm also middle eastern and I have a LOT of hair lol and I just shave everything.. I want to try getting it waxed down there but I'm way too scared of the pain!
The person that waxes me, the first time I went there she wanted to look at my hair down there to make sure it wasn't too thick. She says that middle eastern girls she won't do because they bleed and it grows back too fast!


Staff member
Not quite a year ago, I went bare-ish, just to see what it was like. (I kept a little bit around and on the "lips".) Then I shaved most of the rest of it off, down to stubble. (I need to get a smaller razor or something.) So much better, IMO. Before taking the plunge, I had very unruly pubes; it was getting annoying. I'd trim them down a bit, but still annoying. I definitely prefer at least a bare mound, if not completely bare, now.


Well-known member
Used to shave completely, but when I got with my husband, he was freaked out by it! I now keep a small, well-trimmed patch.