Mac Pro Card


New User
Hi so im applying for my Mac Pro card online on Friday...

I'm trying to get my documents n order.

I have :my passport my comp card, My business card (with my website listed ) Two letters of recommendation...

Im just afraid of getting rejected. Do I need anything els?
I have a Mac pro card and they just made changes. You basically have to be working with a makeup agency or have a license. They rejected my renewal after having it for 6 years.


Well-known member
Yes, lots of changes to the Pro membership. There were just too many who abused the system.


Well-known member
I just went to renew my pro card that I have had for probably about 8 years. I was denied because now they require manicurists to be repped by an agency. I get that they are trying to crack down on abusers but most nailtechs are not repped by agencies. I know A LOT of nailtechs and maybe only 10 are with agencies. These folks are in NYC, Chicago or L.A. You would think they could detect abusers by looking at the pattern of their orders. I'm not happy that folks not abusing are being negatively affected.


Well-known member
With all of this competition with other brands they need to revamp their requirements why should I pay to renew my license when I can get Makeup Geek and now Colourpop pans for $5 even new Indie brands coming out.


Well-known member
I just tried to renew my Pro card today, but after reading this I'm certain it will be rejected. I've had it for close to 20 years, but I am only a freelance esthetician and makeup artist and not repped by an agency or anything. It's extremely unfortunate that a bunch of YouTubers ruined this for the legit people in the industry.