
I am an established, qualified professional Make-up Artist with over 9 years experience in the industry, both in New Zealand and Australia, working across a myriad of creative fields: editorial, advertising, fashion, theatre, television and film. With an impeccable eye for on trend styles, glamour and high fashion looks, I am deft at planning and delivering the perfect makeup for any brief or occasion. Im always on the look out for people who have a strong creative vision and talent in their field or models with presence and an interesting look to collaborate with. Finding people who share my passion for pushing themselves and creating something special is what im after... :D

Makeup-Fashion-Movies-Reading-Graphic Design-Painting-Music-Cooking......anything creative
Sydney Australia
Freelance Makeup Artist
Favorite Cosmetic Line
MAC- Illamasqua-Nars- Dolce&Gabanna- Giorgio Armani
Most Favorite MAC Color Collection
Im a big fan of all of them but my fave product would have to be the mineralize range.......i use it nearly every job