Recent content by ColorMeMac

  1. ColorMeMac

    Abusive Parents

    Well I better start at the begin. I'm 16, and I live with my parents along with me two siblings ( 2 and 1 yrs old). We live in SoCal on a 2million dollar house, and come from a really good community. I also attend a really realllyy good school..So I just want to point out that I don't come from...
  2. ColorMeMac

    Free Mac Kit-summer Promotion Is this a fake? I'm not sure..I usually don't like to trust these kinds of things, but i went through the process and in the end I didn't bother and exited it out.. What do you think?
  3. ColorMeMac

    I'm SUCH A Lazy Bum!!

    No matter how much I want something, no matter what I say, I never do it! For example: i told myself i'm going to study over this summer...its been 3 weeks into summer and I haven't touched a book! How do I get myself off of my ass and start doing things?
  4. ColorMeMac

    Which eyeshadow reflects you the most?

    Hopefully this hasen't been asked before...or I'm in big trouble..xD I would have to say Aquadisiac and Da bling cuss those are really fun colors [=
  5. ColorMeMac

    Which brush to buy for my Studio Fix Powder?

    I'm going crazy! I'm not sure which brush is the best for my studio fix powder: the 182, the 187, the 150, or the 129! I've asked practically all the MA on live chat on what they think and they've all given me different answers! I want a sheer to medium coverage....girls please help! If you...
  6. ColorMeMac

    Scared to apply blush and dark/brown eyeshadow

    Throughout my teen years, and still now, I used to have terrible acne scars and acne on my cheeks . It was ALWAYS on my cheeks. Never anywhere else...(weird huh?) I also have very dark eyelids (but I"m only a NC25 ), which looks weird on my light complextion... (sp?) So I really don't want...