Recent content by Dizziku

  1. Dizziku

    ¿?brunette to blonde?¿ [pictures]

    I've had dark-ish hair since January and I'm ready for an inverted fall change! (seeing as most people go lighter for summer and vice-versa.. lol, yeah). I really want to be dirty blond, or at least along the lines of Sarah Roemer's color:
  2. Dizziku

    First FOTD

    I apologize for the horrible cellphone pics, but that's all I have to work with so XD This was actually yesterday's FOTD. I went to the mall and the salesgirl at Forever 21 complimented me on it <3 It was WAY brighter IRL, anyway v_v The...
  3. Dizziku

    The Smallest Haul Ever

    I discovered the MAC counter at my Nordstrom today and bought eyeshadow in Trax and Beauty Marked - that's it, haha! Even so, it was my first time buying MAC products and I'm satisfied! XD (Although, that's probably gonna change pretty soon..)
  4. Dizziku

    Brand spankin' new

    Hi. I'm Andréa and I'm 14 going on 15 in July. I've never actually tried MAC cosmetics although I've seen enough FOTDs of them to last me a lifetime XD Hopefully I'll be fortunate enough to visit a counter this weekend, but we'll see ~