Recent content by LadySutcliffe

  1. LadySutcliffe

    Different methods of application for Studio Fix (Powder)?

    Hello! First, I'm really sorry if this has been asked a zillion times before! (I have done a search honest) I've been wearing Studio Fix in N3 on and off since the 1990s (je suis ancient, lol). I do love it, especially for evening, but some days it just looks a bit "heavy" if you see what I...
  2. LadySutcliffe

    Yorkshire rose saying ey up!

    Hi all I am obsessed with makeup/nails, love MAC and have lurked here for a while - work is so dull today it tipped me over the edge and I registered! I'm reddish/auburn-haired, pale and sallow-skinned, dark grey/blue eyes, and love all kinds of looks, have a penchant for glitter and I'm a...