Recent content by leana01

  1. leana01

    Select Sheer Loose vs Pressed

    I was wondering if the colors are the same for the loose and the pressed versions. I had some of the loose powder but it is kind of difficult to transport so I bought some of the pressed powder but it looks like its a different color from the loose powder (They both are Select Sheer). It...
  2. leana01

    Sephora Midnight Studio Traincase... Pics?

    Just a few questions about this case: 1.) Is it worth the $85 price tag 2.) What is the quality like of this case? 3.) Does it feel sturdy (solid)? 4.) Anyone have pics of the inside of this case? I am really interested in purchasing this particular train case but there is no Sephora...
  3. leana01

    Wild untamed eyelashes

    I have always had a problem with my eyelashes because I sleep on my stomach. It causes my eyelashes to go in all different directions. I have a heated eyelash curler and it helps a lot but my lashes still look like they need to be combed once they are curled. I use a clean mascara wand to...
  4. leana01

    Pigments: How to apply them evenly? technique?

    Hi everyone, I just purchased both of the Holiday Pigment Dress sets but I am having trouble applying the pigment. I tried the pink bronze and i am having trouble getting an even application. When I apply it, it seems as if it sticks to some parts of my eye lid and refuses to stick to other...
  5. leana01

    MAC NEW FLAME Lipglass on Ebay... Real or Fake?

    I found this lipglass on ebay and I was wondering if you guys think it looks real or fake. Also, does anyone know if this color will be brought back as a SE or LE? edit: I know its in the Formal Black Lipglass set, but I am...
  6. leana01

    UDPP Urban Decay Primer Potion on "brown" skin

    Hi everyone, I just have a question about the urban decay primer potion. I am african american (NW 45) and I was wondering if it would show up on my skin tone. I mean will it look like I have on an off-white eyeshadow? I am really interested in this product, but I'm not sure that it will...
  7. leana01

    Brushes: Storing/Travelling

    I was wondering is it better to store or travel with brushes in a case where they are loose or in case where they are in slots. I am having trouble finding a case that has the individual slots for the brushes to hold them in place. I have previously had trouble with the bristles on one of my...
  8. leana01

    MAC Formal Black Holiday Eye Brush Set

    Firstly, let me give a little information about me and my makeup skills. I just recently starting wearing eye shadow... I used to only wear a pressed powder on my face and a lipglass. This holiday season I decided that I wanted to improve my makeup skills and I purchased the basic brush set and...
  9. leana01

    Holiday 2006 Formal Black LUSTRE/LIPGLASS set!!!!

    Yesterday I was in Dillards in Louisiana and a MA showed me the lipglass set and offered to sell it to me. She told me that it is coming out sometime in November and that she had just got in trouble for selling one to somebody on the day before. Apparently the person she sold it to came back the...
  10. leana01

    Beginner's first FOTD and SMOKEY EYE!!!

    Hi everyone, First of all let me just give a little info about my makeup skills. Basically I have none. I started barely wearing eye shadow like 6 months ago and eyeliner about a month ago. I usually just wear pressed powder and a lip glass. As far as the smokey eye goes, I think I did it...