Recent content by MakeUpByTiffanE

  1. MakeUpByTiffanE

    The Waiting Game With MAC, Help Please....

    So I attended an open call for MAC, was scheduled for a demo, a week after the demo, I called the Recruiter for my region, Thanked her for the opportunity and was told that i PASSED my demo ....she goes on to say she is going to find out who is hiring PT position between the 2 location I said...
  2. MakeUpByTiffanE

    MAC Demo & Interview, Help Please!

    Hello EVERYONE, I'm new to SPECKTRA. I had my Demo TODAY, and here's how it went. My model and I arrived 10 minutes before the demo only to see that the location was temporarily closed and that the new location is at the other end of the mall. So as fast as i could in my little pumps, i hauled...