Recent content by munaluna

  1. munaluna

    Foundation disappearing during the day--recommendations?

    I live exactly RIGHT on the beach. The ocean is literally a few feet from my residence. It is quite foggy here because of the beach, etc. And very misty. So by the end of the day when I'm using cleaning wipes to clean my face, I see nothing on my wipes. Only my mascara and eye shadow...
  2. munaluna

    Lip product recommendations? Looking for a natural solution...

    Hello. I'm looking for something... Not exactly sure what, but I do know that I want a lip product that is only slightly different than my natural lip tone. I usually wear matte, but I'm willing to try anything new. I'm going for a fresh, youthful, and natural look. So nothing dramatic. Please...
  3. munaluna

    Looking for the perfect pink lipstick?

    Hello everyone! I have been a member for quite some time, but I rarely post because of my limited knowledge of makeup (still a rookie and learning). But I really need some help. I saw this girl with beautiful pink lipstick here. The thing is... My skin tone is completely different! I am...