Recent content by Pretty

  1. Pretty

    It saved my skin!! Could save yours too!!!

    For yeaaaarssss I've been having really bad acne and scars from acne. And I tried everythingggggggggg out there! believe me!!! And I finaaaaaally found a solution. Obagi Nu-Derm system!!!! an 18-week program. I'm in my 8th week of using the system and the improvement is astonishing. And I...
  2. Pretty

    Moi's Haul, finally here!

    I finaaaaaally got my shipment from Amazon... 2 books by Kevyn Aucoin: Face Forward and Making Faces Voge Make Up by Juliet Cohen moi's stuff
  3. Pretty

    |Latest Haul|

    6 eyeshadows for my old pallete including: Tilt Steamy Espresso Beauty Marked Parfait Amour Contrast Entremauve Pigment... its much much darker in reality... i kinda wish i didnt buy it coz it looks almost black =S i wish i got Violet pigment. couple o'mags! Love those fashion magzz
  4. Pretty

    My (approximately) $480 haul =p

    Im from the United Arab Emirates, so in our money (1400AED) its approximately $480 LOL im new heeeeere and u guys inspired me to expaaaaand my make up collection, i already have an old 15-shadow pallete, heres a new i got today and four pigments pallete includes: Honesty Mythology Expensive...