Recent content by SulkingBeauty

  1. SulkingBeauty

    Highlighting underneath the eyes?

    Ladies, what are we using to hi-lite the under eye area? I'm not talking concealing undereye circles/darkness... just brightening and highlighting. Right now I'm using Studio Finish concealer. Is there a better MAC concealer for this purpose? I've heard good things about Moisturecover...
  2. SulkingBeauty

    Calling all C7s!!!!!! I wanna hear from you!!!

    I know there aren't tons of us on here, but I wanna hear from ya'll.... What are your faves? What do you swear by? What are your MAC claims to fame? My must haves are: Teddy kohl pencil Touch l/s Dark Blot powder Fluidline.... any colour Coppertone & Fleur Power blushes
  3. SulkingBeauty

    MAC MSF in Global Glow?

    Has anyone tried this MSF? I almost bought it online last night, but I chickened out. Also, how about Iridescent Loose Powder in Golden Bronze? I'm a C7, so I think either one would be okay, but some first hand knowledge would help. Thank yoooooo
  4. SulkingBeauty

    Hi Ladies, Newbie on Board...

    I've been lurking on Spektra for a couple of days and I thought I'd join specifically because of "Beauty of Color"! There's such a wealth of knowledge and individuality here. Cheers girls...