Recent content by tanni

  1. tanni

    Questions about freelancing for Mac

    Just today I went to my local Mac counter to see if they were hiring, and they weren't... Although, the woman I spoke to told me I should definitely apply to be a freelance Mac artist. I already have been doing some freelancing for a bit, but I had wanted to get some guaranteed work which is why...
  2. tanni

    A Mac eyeliner pen

    Hello! If this has been posted anywhere else, or this isn't the right place to post, sorry and please let me know as I don't post all too often on here. A few months ago, I attended a demonstration with John S and he was talking about fashion trends and educating us on what's happening, what's...
  3. tanni

    Question about cosmetology license & school

    Hello! I'm a little new at posting here (specktra) so if this isn't the right place to ask about cosmetology school, can I be directed to the right place? I looked around and didn't see anything that said not to, though. Anyway, there's a cosmetology school nearby called Lu Ross Academy...