Recent content by trojanchick99

  1. trojanchick99

    High Class Beverly Hills Haul...

    Early this morning I went to a Macy's MAC counter to purchase Petticoat, I only spent 1.50 since I had a 25 gift card, thank you E-Rewards! So, after watching USC annihilate Wazzu today, I went shopping on Rodeo. Why? Because I had a $50 off Coach card and 15% off cosmetics at Saks 5th...
  2. trojanchick99

    Supernatural: I watch it for the Acting... yeah, Acting

    So, I know I'm not the only person watching Supernatural on the CW. The season premiere was last night at it was freaking AWESOME! As if I couldn't love Ackles, Padalecki and Kripke enough they produce that. Unbelievable. I need to watch it again, but I loved Bobby's reaction to Dean. It...
  3. trojanchick99


    Anyone going to Comic-Con this weekend? I can't believe this is the first year, I'm going since I'm kind of a big nerd. I am going on Sunday for the Supernatural panel. The best part is the autograph session has been moved from Saturday to Sunday. I hope I don't spontaneously combust at...
  4. trojanchick99

    Studio Talk Haulage

    So I went to my first Studio Talk class and picked up a bunch of stuff: Fix+ Strobe Cream Springsheen blush 187 brush Technakohl liner in graphblack Half Red lipliner Viva Glam V lipstick Bronzer in Refined Golden After that I will not be buying makeup for a month.
  5. trojanchick99

    My name is TrojanChick and I am a Macaholic

    It started innocently enough. I had an appointment at a Smashbox counter at Bloomies. I was in a wedding and was taking my friend the Bride to get her makeup done. Smashbox was empty, so the lovely people at the Mac counter helped. I had always been scared of it before. Well, the MA who did...