
Fashionista with an eye for things stylish and beautiful, makeup artist, classical musician, stock broker, crimefighter, rocker, top-notch cook, aspiring free spirit. Loving girlfriend, daughter and sister, loyal friend, fearless street fighter. Often a walking contradiction.

Live Journal: vwilliams
Bella Sugar: vawilliams

Theatrical Makeup, International Orchestra Tours, Interior Design, Gourmet Cooking, Entertaining
New Haven County, CT (USA)
Stopping Terrorists in their Tracks
Favorite Cosmetic Line
MAC, NARS, UD, YSL, Smashbox


Sharon Stone on Kevyn Aucoin: "Losing him is like losing a piece of nature. It's hard to breathe without him here." He was my inspiration for a career in makeup; even in death he brings life & beauty to this world. NC25 Eyes: Sage Hair: Dark Blonde