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  1. eposton

    Need help with Colors

    Hi experts I am hoping that you can help. A little about myself, I have med brown hair, pale pink complexion, large blue eyes with large lid surface, even full lips... I usually stick to neutrals and browns but now I want to branch out and experiement with colors....I am really wanting to...
  2. eposton

    Any other Aloette girls out there?

    I am a true Aloette girl...(no I do not sell it ) but I am a true believer. It have been using the complete line for about 6 months and truely have found something that works....scary huh? Though the products are pricey in the cataloug or online, if you wait for the Aloette weekends on...
  3. eposton

    Yves Saint Laurent - Any thoughts

    I am really interested in trying this brand (colors) but it is sooooo expensive. I have been swapping etc for some pieces but I am almost "giving away the farm" to get my hands on it worth it??? Thanks!!!