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  1. ll*sugar

    Mac "Myth" drying out my lips

    does this happen to anyone else? everytime I wear my MAC "myth" my lips dry out like crazy! i exfoliate every night.. even if it's fully moisturized and perfect.. after the second time i re-apply it.. it already goes super dry and makes me lips flakey... looks gorgeous when I first apply it though
  2. ll*sugar

    ostentatious fluidliner

    what do you guys think of this fluidline colour? i've read so many reviews and from what I've heard the green/blue is not very noticable.. have you guys tried it yet?
  3. ll*sugar

    technacolor eyeliners.. staying power?

    how's the staying power for these eyeliners? especially for the waterline i've been looking for an eyeliner that stays on the waterline for a LOOOONGG TIMEE.. i mean not even fluidlines work for me anyways.. how do you guys like the liners?
  4. ll*sugar

    what lipstick colour is she wearing in this pic?

    thankss xoxo
  5. ll*sugar

    my MAC eyeshadow just SHATTERED

    my Tilt eyeshadow just shattered i don't know how but it's probably cause i dropped it a few times ahh what should i do? it's still in the little orginal case thing but it's like all shattered into little pieces.. do you guys have any ways that i can put it back together or another way to use it