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  1. phoenix180

    Skip to the end..2nd attempt at a "1st FOTD"

    Well here we are..I managed to mess up my very first posting-blimey how did I manage to mess up that bit I have no clue-so here is my 2nd attempt: Items used: Eyes: E.L.F. eye brightening(?) palette in Drama an Estee Lauder mascara-sorry doing it from memory Almay black liquid...
  2. phoenix180

    I can't believe I never noticed my heart before..

    lyrics by Mute Math Greetings all! I'm not really new here-I have been lurking for quite some time now but I want to come out of the shadows a wee bit for mass improvement on application. Well here goes: Items used: Mac eyeshadow in Arena Mac eyeshadow in Brill Mac eyeshadow in Tilt Mac...