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  1. de-lovely

    Good Bag?

    I need a new bag since I'm disowning my LV & Chanel since they're so popular right now. I want one that I can just throw all my stuff into and not worrying about it being too small. Any ideas or suggestions??
  2. de-lovely

    Pathetic Casper Lookalike.

    I am sooooooo white. Like honestly my nickname is Casper. Anyways usually I can make my face look 2 shades darker but lately everything just looks orange on me. And then when I do my eye makeup with that I wind up looking like a very bad drag queen. How can I look tan and have smokey eyess...
  3. de-lovely

    I need Advice bad.

    Well any advice would be greatly appreciated on this subject. This guy I used to go to school with in Grade 9 asked me to be his Grad escort this year so I said ok. I haven't seen him since I moved after Grade 9 but I still have some friends there. Everything was fine but now he's acting really...