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  1. trinhduck


    this was last month...i had some fun with my bro's tat hahaha I HAD TO SHARE THIS! let's see, i think i remmeber using fluidline in blacktrack, e/s: humid, swimming, chromeyellow, freshwater, and violet pg and some other stuff i cant remember AND YESS THIS IS sCRAP BOOK STICKER STUFF HAHAHA
  2. trinhduck

    procard haul

    Since the procard...i've been spoiling myself. haha Can't help it! Yesterday, i got some shadesticks my second palatte yay! pinchopeach blush my first prolongwear in durashell and a crap load of e/s in vex rockets n stars electric eel parfait amour retrospect satelite dreams green smoke jest...
  3. trinhduck

    ARDELL virgin

    [font=Verdana]studio fix foundation, select sheer pressed, deep plum blush, belightful iridescent powder, refined [B][COLOR=#453243]thanks for lookin
  4. trinhduck

    MY FIRST...fotd, acutally eotd

  5. trinhduck

    HI from the big TX

    hello all, i'm pretty new here. Actually just found the site today!