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  1. frist

    First FOTD Purple Smoke Stack

    So this is my first FOTD on here. Usually don't wear purple. CC welcome, of course.
  2. frist

    Camilla Belle mauve/nude/pink l/s Rec Please

    I posted this last night, but I think it was deleted or something, I can't find it on this forum. Camilla Belle's mauve/nude/pink lip... Anyone have any ideas? I will love you.
  3. frist

    Recs for this lip color please

    Camilla Belle's mauve/nude/pink lip... Please, I'm desperate... I'm asking everybody and their mother. For real. Ask your moms. I'll wait while you forward the link and or call home to Wisconsin.
  4. frist

    Twilight Picture need Rec!

    Hey this is a new movie coming out called Twilight. And I love the lipstick on the actors...It all looks like the same color to me even on the guys, anyone have any ideas as to color? Thanks!
  5. frist

    Recs for eyeshadow, picture inside. Love Claire Danes' mu especially her e/s any ideas? Thanks
  6. frist

    Lipstick Help Please

    I love jessica's lip color. Any recs for the color? I don't like l/g or frosted l/ any ideas for a cool matte pinkish nude color? Thanks!!
  7. frist

    Blush Recs with Pics...

    I just posted this on mua too bc I am in love with this girl's blush. Its so different from anything I wear. Please check them out, and if you have any ideas share, thanks!!,%20Hayden,%20Hayden...
  8. frist

    Alias e/s rec?

    Hi, I'm new to this site. I'm wondering if anyone can give me a rec. for the e/s in this video. Its a clip from alias. It may or may not be mac, either way I NEED to know, its beautiful. I'm not even sure if this is where I should post this question. Thanks. <object width="425"...